
2 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

I don't know how you would fit them in, but some silverskin armor would help a great deal in that it could turn those white creatures into artifacts and pump them with the tempered steel. I would even consider some steel overseers in place of the legionnaires.... as much as I love the legionnaire the overseers could pump your artifacts easily and still give you metal craft. The burn spells should help you sustain these guys long enough to get in for some damage pretty fast. I am new to this as well, but I have been test playing and rebuilding one of my decks for the last week and every card I mentioned to you really worked well with this kind of set-up. Unfortunately, I had to change the deck up completely and go mono-red for now. Good luck, man!

Posted 03 June 2011 at 14:18 as a comment on RW Jor Kadeen Aggro
