Removed Bident of Thassa, one Noble Quarry, and moved Kiora's Followers to sideboard to streamline the deck.Added and additional Courser of Kruphix and an Ordeal of Nylea for additional ramp and defense.Added 3 Colossal Whale for removing problem creatures.Removed Arbiter of the Ideal from the sideboard due to overall lack of the untap mechanic in the deck.Removed Elvish Mystic from the sideboard due to under-performance beyond turn 4.Added 3 Fade into Antiquity to the sideboard to handle gods.
I would use him but it's not standard right now, maybe if we see a M15 reprint.
I thought about him, but with a bit of sideboarding I could play Aqueous Form on Kiora's Follower if I really need the early damage or hold off till later and have an unblockable Nessian Wilds Ravager.