Azusa, Lost but Seeking would go well.
Mainboard 2 Isochron Scepter and take out 2 Unexpected Results. Add Silence and Elixir or Immortality. Cromat EDH deck. Take a gander and see what you like.
Zombie Master? Would go good with the Disk so you can just regenerate your creatures after the wipe.
Serra's Sanctum will help. And maybe a Mesa Enchantress or two for card draw.
Luminarch Ascension and Holy Day for angel tokens.
But....where are the knights?
Deathbringer Liege would really help. Vindicate is probably the best kill spell for white and black. Seek would also be great help.I have a Legacy B/W deck and I love that this is basically just a EDH version. Definately makes me consider going that route as well. All in all I really like it =)
Magma Jet will help you with card quality. And if you don't want Lightning Bolt because you want to stick to the theme, try Searing Spear instead.
So many hot artifacts on the banned list lol
Love the tags.No Dimir Guildmage? I know activating his ability plus playing a mill spell might seem a bit mana costly, but it's destroys multiple opponents, especially with Consuming Abberation. If you're ever thinking of making it not standard, Mind Crank makes an infinite combo with the Guildmage.
If you're not worried about legality, could always throw in a Tinker or two.
I enjoyed looking at all 4 decks. I suggest maybe Black Market, Exquisite Blood, or Sanguine Bond.
Trying something different, Field Marshal was considered.
I concur, but Disenchant could be used with the Scepter in case I'm facing artifact or enchantment heavy decks.
Drain Power?
Perhaps a Crypt Ghast or two.
Terra Eternal, make those animated lands indestructible. Earth Surge to give them buffs. Maybe take Dark Depths out considering you have no other way to make it a creature other than paying 30 mana total to get those counters off. Faerie Conclave is also a good animated land because it only costs 2 to become a creature plus it has flying.
Looking at the comments, I take it your hesitant to put any higher costing equipment in the deck. Cards like Brass Squire, Puresteel Paladin, Stonehewer Giant, and Stoneforge Mystic all make those high casting, high equip costs null and void. But, that's only if you want to go that route. I can see that the deck should run fine how it is, though.
Replace your Blight Mambas with Elvish Champions? Just don't understand how a snake made it's way into a Elf deck.
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