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Kanskje dropp Moggs for to Firecats og en Ball Lightning?
You play Dauntless escort? Why don't throw in som wraths?
Get it down to 60!!!!! 24 lands max i would say. I don't like Rhys. Two Glare's isn't neccassary in a casual deck. Mana boost it pleeease. Too slow. You wont ever get to use Rhys and Selesnya effectivly without. The brushhoppers i like, but there isn't much room to discard your cards here. They don't really fit in.
Have a look at my Spores and Fungi. It works. Earthcraft is nasty, especially with fungal bloom and "growthlands", but to get such a build to work it is required. Swap priv pos for steely resolve or dense foliage! Reduse number of thelons...i like to have utopia mycon so that i can play pallid mycoderm instead of the germinators and all those 4'ofs isn't desirable in a casual deck like this. We want as many fungi spawners with different abilities as possible. Doubling season is greeeat, but i like to play only two of them. =)
looks good. have a look at my similar deck. using only cards before 8th tho.
looks good but saproling decks are vulnerable. Have a look at my Spores and Fungi deck. Some nasty cards, but they are needed to make it work. You need mana acceleration.
vulnerability is a huge problem for such a deck. you have too many lands, and too little mana accelleration. Priv position is good but too slow to matter much. Ur creeps start dying early game then ur basically dead. Remove one and put in som dense foliage (banned card tho). Too many cards, maby reduce to 60?. In a thallid deck you actually want so many different thallids with different abilities in play as possible. The opposite of what one might normally do. Have a look at how i have tried to solve this kind of deck.
hi. have a look at my fungi deck now. constantly changing it to make it faster and more durable even though i am playing a couple of banned cards tho...
very nice and irritating deck. stream of life deck without a stream of life...
there is a covoking guy with converted manacost 16 now i think...sweet deck.
cool deck, as for direct damage as suggestedabove, have a look into more domain cards. Tribal Flames...ExplodingBorders...learn to love'em. Check out my 5c deck for casual play.
i never like the idea of having so many cards in a deck, especially not so many different ones. What is it that you want to achieve with this deck? Will you achieve your goal with so much diversity? How does it work for you?
Umezawa's Jitte...for those who can afford it. It's a must!
totally a sturdy pile of rat-deck...but yeah. It is a oneplan deck.
how is this deck working for you? have a look at my 5c deck...
this deck will probably work its purpose! Looks fun to play. Have a look at my blue deck, not a merfolk dekc, but it uses them in a funny way.
focus it around its theme a bit more mabe. You have a lot of different cards. And i would never go over the 60 card base rule, but that is up to you. 60 cards makes it all a bit more dependable.
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