Interesting. Practical? Probably not. :?
Looks pretty good. How did you figure out the manabase though, and sideboard?
But I can use Idyllic Tutor when Zur's Weirding is out, and it still goes well with the curve.Zur's Weirding essentially stops everyone from drawing. With Bitterblossem out, I can out damage them to the grave. Moat offers protection from their creatures.
Actually, I've decided to add them, 'cause they'll make a blocker pernament. Thanks for the advice.
Banned in Legacy.
+1 for Aggro. Big fan of Agrro here. Haven't seen Devils and Demons being used much. I hope you do well. Keep up updates on how well you do. I'd like to know if they're worth building an Agrro deck around. Good luck!
There is nothing more annoying than a deck player you thinks he's better than everyone else. Sideboard is shit, and Kilm Fiend can't even get infect. Could use more/better lands. Pretty good for pauper, but I'm not sure if that was intentional.
Actually, thinking about it again, you can still mill if Eldrazi (Only Emra, really). The other cards, like Gaea's Blessing and Feldon's Cane, are quite rare, arn't they?
Gwafa is actually only an emergency measure to those who still attack me through my defense.We don't want to get people pissed off because they lost, or think they will lose, their fatties/commanders. Although indestructibility ain't bad in this deck, if I were to make more room for this deck, I'm tempted to add more Walls...
Seems like it requires a lot of cards, though.
Good point. What cards do you use for that combo, though? This isn't meant to mill very quickly: The big advantage is that you can ban cards with E and SE. With so many cards going to the graveyard, you got a lot of choices.
Damn Eldrazi!
It is banned in Legacy.
Exactly. No reason to rush, 'cause it takes up space.
Normally sound advice, but each card has an important purpose. Removed Canes for Giant Growth. Good idea, I think.
*drum bang*
Very stupid. Over 170 likes? Why?
Nourshing Shoal + Autochton Wurm/Iname as One + Lich/Nefarious Lich = 15/12 cards.
How do you win the game with this deck? Crazy question, I know...
Yo dawg I heard you liked Wolfir Silverheart, so we bonded a Wolfir Silverheart on your Wolfir Silverheart so you can get two +4/+4s while you get two +4/+4s!
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