it would be a good card but im tight on cardspace and the origanal deck used consume spirit for a secondary win i took that out because mortal combat was the real win condition id rather put something in that puts creatures in the graveyard like buried alive but thanks for the advice great card keep checking and commenting my decks i like the responses
i thought about legion. added it in but overlord and queen were better for the deck and the win game isnt all out attack its mill, and if that doesnt work necrotic destroys whatever it can in play to cripple the opponents .all out attack is an option but when you have 100 trillion slivers in play there really isnt any need for 100 trillion - 100 trillion power and toughness of the things ive found with this deck is i had way to much power at one point .i had it so i could make you discard your hand destroy everything you own in play, mill your deck,then attack with 100 trillion - 100 trillion power and toughness creatures a bit much overkill. so i took some power out added speed and protection.
cool i allready made it is fun to play
i did have them in there i took them out and replaced then with green sun zenith. 1 birds arent slivers and to make them one id have to add hivestone. 2 zenith allows me to pull gemhide, dormant,queen or overlord wich are important combo cards. and thanks it took alot of research and work to get it here