I put Infiltration Lens in the deck to do two things. It partially fills the role of unblockable by giving my opponent good reason not to block my creatures, and its serves as a good first turn play so as not to lose that first mana because I didn't draw either elf.When faced with an Infiltration Lens on an attacking creature, my opponent has two options.1. Take the attack. At this point I am open to play whatever buff spells I choose and possibly go in for the kill.2. Block the attack. This allows me to draw two cards per blocker. "1/1/2011 If the equipped creature becomes blocked by multiple creatures, Infiltration Lens's ability triggers that many times." Whats more, this ability triggers and resolves in the declare blockers step. After that step, myself and my opponent have to pass priority of an empty stack before the damage step begins. This means that before damage is dealt, I can play any cards I drew provided I have the mana.
I really love this deck for budget. The first thing I thought was that there was little protection for your Lord of the Unreal when you get him on the board. Then I saw Mizzium Skin. I haven't seen it in use with Illusions. The card is beautiful in use with them because if you want to defend just the lord from an instant, you can drop it for one mana. An alternative is to drop it for two mana and defend EACH of your illusions: not targeting them. Its important to remember though that even if you counter the spell by making the creature hexproof, the spell still targeted the creature and the creature still would be sacrificed. Great deck!