I must agree with Puschkin, having only one creature in a deck makes the deck vulnerable to many counters.
I did research all the Hydras before deciding which one to add to this deck. Since I wanted to keep it budget and actually had a Genesis Hydra in my possession, that's why I went with it. The price for the 2 Kalonian would be about $15 and prohibitive to a budget/starter deck. But that creature is on my wish list and would be a great addition as I refine this deck and build it into a better and more expensive one. Thanks again!
Thank you Fairemont, I added a couple Alpha Authority I can throw on whichever creature is gaining counters the best. As an Enchantment it also has the synergy with Oath of the Woods.
Between my wife and 2 sons, MTG was the theme for my Christmas. I have always wanted to learn the game since it first came out. I've been asking my sons for over a year to teach me how to play. Well all I can say is... "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!" Now in just a few short months, I am hooked. Thank you in advance for any likes, advice, or comments you may leave.