
4 Decks, 15 Comments, 3 Reputation

I would suggest a couple of Day of Jugement main deck and another sideboarded (or a black sun's zenith) as you'll be able to bounce back from the mass removal faster then your oppoenents with the flashback from Lingering Souls and Increasing Devotion.

I like the ratio you have for your anthem effects but I would also recommend some single target buffs such as swords/runechanter's pike/Angelic Destiny. I can't say for sure what it's like in your meta but people are already using Ratchet Bomb's and Ray of Revelation to put the hate on Honor the Pure and Intangible Virtue in mine and lacking Hero of Bladehold or Sorin to give you a non-enchantment buff for your critters you might be caught wide open with nothing but 1/1's standing on your table.

Another option is the Geist Honored Monk, which can get pretty beast pretty fast in decks like these.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 09:02 as a comment on W/B Tokens


Think about running Day of Judgement and Black Sun's Zenith, board clears like this will help you out once your opponents start getting a bit of a foothold against your tokens, as well you can recover better then they will usually by flashing back your Lingering Souls and Increasing Devotions.

Also I would consider using Timely Reinforcements, Thaben Doomsayer, and Dismember, these will let you dip down into "Fateful hour" territory, but bounce back, or straight out win from that possition. I would also recommend going with a full 4 Intangible Virtue as well as cutting the Elesh Norn and Grave Titan in favor of Honor of the Pure if you can get them. All in all it looks like a good solid base and I wish you luck on your polishing from here.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 08:41 as a comment on Monochromatic (Shades of Grey)


Beast within and Witchbane orb seem to do pretty well against most plainswalkers. I'm assuming that's why he sides them. There are allot of decks that don't maindeck against plainswalkers, and Karn is so rarely used these days in most meta's that he's really a non-entity.

Posted 23 December 2011 at 07:26 in reply to #223098 on Turbo Fog


Drop Fireball in favor of Goblin Grenade and drop out the blistersticks for more arsonists. Swinging with an arsonist, sacking it to a Grenade, followed by a 5 point volley is pure win. Also more shrines, they're your best defence against control decks and can single handedly win you games against decks packing board wipes in the event you over extend yourself.

Posted 23 December 2011 at 06:27 as a comment on Pin Prick 4000


Your mana base is all over the place and it really doesn't have to be. Drop the Swarmlords and the Ranger's Guile out along with the green sun's after that add in 4 plague stingers and a couple of Corrupted Conscience. I would also recommend seeing if you can get any Inkmoth Nexus (they're an expensive card these days but totally worth it.) Also Virulent Wound is an awesome removal card in the current standard environment. Tezzeret's Gambit would add in some nice card draw for you and proliferate will add to the poisony goodness, and Blighted Agent will give you a good way to get into the endzone in the late game when your opponent has a defence mounted.

To make space for those I'd drop the unwinding clock, the Titanic Growth's, Cackling Counterpart, and Elixer of Immortality. By running straight Black/Blue you're mana base will be more reliable, and your land won't all need to enter play tapped.

Posted 23 December 2011 at 06:09 as a comment on Standard Art Infect


Most decks that can run naturalize have access to Revoke Existance which is better for most of the Meta. Running U/G you don't have the option (and honestly I like the instant speed removal better anyway). A one or two of Disperse might help as well.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 21:25 in reply to #222110 on Turbo Fog


I've been playing a varient of this deck for the last couple of months at FNM and have placed very well against some of the top "Pro Tour" style decks that usually get played there. You can find my deck list here.


My deck is much faster and agressive however so if you prefer midrange then this decklist might not be suitable to your play style. Turn two 3/3 Champion of the Parish is a funny site to see though.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:45 as a comment on W/G Humans [Input please]


almost as slim as running into a fog deck.

Seriously though this kind of deck can be brutal to play against, there has been a couple in my play environment as casual decks, the main threats to them are Solar Flare, RDW, and U/B control. However there are many decks that can threaten it quite well. G/W tokens, Tempered Steel, U/R counter burn are some of them. Anything that can keep pressure on from early game all the way through can hurt, all it takes is one turn w/o a fog available or an opportunistic counter to end the game for you, I'd strongly recommend putting in some naturalize in the sideboard at the very least to contend with opponents siding in Witchbane Orb, and mana leaks for pesky Grand Abolishers (who are often maindecked by WW Humans and G/W tokens for the side). They just ruin your whole day.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 11:29 in reply to #222110 on Turbo Fog


I'd recommend dropping the Elite Vangaurds in favor of Fiend Hunter as well as finding a place for mana leak giving you a counter threat against decks playing mass removal and to protect your Geists from sacrifice spells such as Geth's Verdict and Tribute to Hunger. I'd also recommend Leonin Arbiter and Leonin Relicwarder over Grand Abolisher for main deck play, as well as increasing the Oblivion ring count to 4.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 09:54 as a comment on Haunted Humans


Naturalize is huge and cheap for your sideboard, I'd also recommend Autumn's Viel, Hex Parasite, and Lead the Stampede. Naturalize will help you against overly ambitious Inkmoth nexus (found in at least 3 of the main standard decks running at the moment. Mono-Black Infect, WolfRun, and Tempered Steel), it will also answer against any Curse of Death's Hold your opponent might be sideing against you. Autumn's Viel is awesome in any deck playing green. Most of the removal you'll see will be black (even in U/W decks the primary form of removal is Dismember), and running hyper aggressive is easier when you don't need to worry about a random mana leak from your U/W Human deck cousin. Hex Parasite offers you a cheap and effective way to deal with planeswalkers, as well as shuts down Red Deck Win's main win cons (Berzerkers, Nobles, and shrines). Lead the Stampede I recommend for against decks that run a large amount of mass removal like Day of Judgement, Black Sun's Zenith, ect. It will allow you to reload your hand and speed you back to getting on your feet after a board wipe.

Posted 15 December 2011 at 11:29 as a comment on Fast Human Rape.


The deck is well put together. I play something very similar at my normal FNM events and have done quite well with it.

For my creature base I run :
3x Hero of Bladehold
4x Mirran Crusader
3x Birds of Paradise
4x Avacyn's Pilgrim
4x Champion of the Parish
3x Fiend Hunter
4x Mayor of Avabruck
3x adaptive automaton
4x Elite Vangaurd

This has allowed me turn 2 Crusaders, Turn two 3/3 attacking Champions and turn 3 Hero of Bladeholds which almost every deck has a hard time answering for. For sideboarding I would recommend Naturalize over Revoke Existance, a singleton of Creeping Corrosion, and Hex Parasite to answer for planeswalkers. Also Autumn's Veil will help you against U/B control decks, and I strongly recommend Lead the Stampede for playing against U/W control or any deck that runs a strong amount of mass removal to help you get back on your feet after a board clear.

Your trouble decks will likely be against Solar Flare, POD, and U/W Illusions. Mono-Black infect can be an issue for you as well, with the Phyrexian Crusader out there, but if you see allot of that deck in your meta game you can always switch from Hex Parasite to Beast Within for your side.

Posted 15 December 2011 at 11:10 as a comment on Overrun by humans
