Combos are awsome! Looks good man. Check out my assault-loam deck for modern. Let me know what you think.
Id try replacing one fodder and either one lava mancer or arsonist to make room for the two spitemares. That way you still have plenty of blockers and ways to activate the combo.
I would prob main deck 2 spitemares just for consistency in your combo.
I was thinking of cutting a couple fetch lands for two more Stirring wildwood.Ill have to test it but it looks promissing. And I don't really want to lower my land count. All the fetches thin the deck on their own.
Interesting but that would be way too slow for modern.
I've been placing top 8 with this at my local tournaments. And that's no small feat where I play. I've stomped naya blitz, blue control variants(esper,izzet,grixis,uw,and bu) naya midrange, jund, and a slew of homebrews. In a room with some of the top players around.
I thought of that. But how the deck works that's a bit expensive.
That's why I have four copies of Lingering Souls. Just one is equal to a whole set of Squadron Hawks.
Ill be posting my jund midrange in a few hours. It uses farseeks and four thundermaws. Hehe!
I would be using farseeks if I was on a midrange game plan. But I need to play creatures on turn two not ramp. And as much as I love thundermaw he's just not for this deck. Too slow for it. I don't usually see five mana. I'm gonna be trying to kill by turn four. As. For the evolving wilds. They stay. They allow deck thining and they guarantee that my muckwaders and flinthoofs will be fully powered up.
Please do let me know. At my last tournament I went 3-0. I took down two reanimater and naya aggro. Its capable of some rediculous starts. Lol
Any advise or comments welcome. Id like to know what everyone thinks.