
19 Decks, 157 Comments, 36 Reputation

I'll pop one in there, see how it plays!

Posted 30 January 2021 at 17:27 in reply to #639846 on Leech Cat


I like the idea of having artifacts to untap the oven. I'm leaning towards Voltaic Key of the four suggested here, but I'll look into other possible methods for this as well. Good suggestion!

I like the cliffhaven vampire for it's additional triggers off the leeching mechanic already present, as well as it being a flier. I'll look into this more to see if I can make it work, or something similar. Thanks!

Posted 30 January 2021 at 17:23 in reply to #639847 on Leech Cat


I was thinking to try to build it into modern, as Kaya is the only thing stopping it from being Modern legal.

An interesting suggestion, I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Posted 30 January 2021 at 17:17 in reply to #639840 on Leech Cat


I haven't proxy'd it out to play-test it yet, so it's all just theoretical at the moment. But I do believe it may suffer from early-game board presence. Against a well-oiled tribal deck, this is going to suffer. But if given the opportunity to build up a little momentum, I think it could be pretty nasty. Thanks!

Posted 09 May 2019 at 17:25 in reply to #624637 on Descendant Counters


You seem to be torn between the "Lots of big stompy stuff" and "Tribal elves for mana ramp" builds. I'd say go with one solidly. If you go the former, use the arbor elf/utopia sprawl combo, as it'll allow for larger mana ramp over time. Maybe drop vizier and/or gearhulk for some rampant growth and some of what dknight27 mentioned: lower-end creatures that increase your overall power. For protection, Blossoming Defense isn't awful, but check out Heroic Intervention as well. Also, Grunn is a bit expensive for his overall power output, as is a lot of your other top-end, so make sure you have the ramp you need to cast this stuff.

Posted 08 May 2019 at 20:33 as a comment on Mono Green Stompy


Made a couple edits from your advice, they're noted in the deck description above. Thanks!

Posted 03 May 2019 at 17:30 in reply to #624481 on Now You See Me...


If only Invigorate was legal in Modern. -evil smile-

Posted 03 May 2019 at 16:06 in reply to #624473 on Now You See Me...


I honestly debated on whether or not to put that in there, but felt it was too good to pass up. Unblockable infect with hexproof and haste? Deliciously evil.

Posted 03 May 2019 at 15:33 in reply to #624473 on Now You See Me...


I would suggest swapping in Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf for your Llanowar Elves and Elvish Mystics. It's the same mana cost, and you end up better off mana-wise. There's a lot more creature removal floating around than enchantment removal, so it will likely stick around longer, even without the Arbor Elf to untap it, leaving you with additional benefit, not to mention any color you should need.

I used to use four each of Llanowar/Mystic in all of my green decks, but have since moved to the above mentioned pairing, and I have to say, it's a lot more versatile.

Also, since you're playing mono-green and worrying about devotion, maybe a Gigantosaurus. 10/10 for GGGGG would fit nicely in this deck, as well as give Nykthos a lot more value.

Posted 30 April 2019 at 13:25 as a comment on [G]Mana Ramp


The dragons you are dropping out with Dragonstorm would have summoning sickness, would they not? Thus, they would not be able to allow a turn 1 win. However, it does present a problem for turn 2. Plus, while it is possible, that draw would be a psycho Magical Christmas Land draw that would be very unlikely to happen.

That being said, I want to build it now...

Posted 27 April 2019 at 00:13 as a comment on An old classic: Dragonstorm


Omnath, Locus of Mana & Hurloon Minotaur

Posted 24 April 2019 at 17:55 as a comment on the best deck made by you?


Wow, lucky you! I'd have those in a vault somewhere lol

Posted 22 April 2019 at 15:26 in reply to #623986 on Wither or not you win


Seems like a fun deck to play. Would be fun to build around this mechanic as well as Everlasting Torment. I question Bayou, but those could easily be replaced with Overgrown Tombs.

Posted 19 April 2019 at 19:44 as a comment on Wither or not you win


Popped two Rancor in the mainboard, removed a Baloth and Ooze for them. As for harmonize, I would keep it in the sideboard, but probably wouldn't main-board it. I'm funny about Harmonize though, maybe it's worth a mainboard slot?

Posted 19 April 2019 at 14:04 in reply to #623970 on Speed Ghalta


Goblins are a pretty well-tested tribal build. I'd say that you need to have as many lords as possible that are legal in your format (Goblin Chieftain, Goblin King) as well as 4x of both Goblin Bushwhacker and Reckless Bushwhacker for when you vomit out tokens, so they've all got haste and are ready to go. Krenko, Mob Boss is fantastic. You may also need some draw, since goblins are cheap and you'll find yourself top-decking pretty quickly, so I included Warlord's Fury and Risk Factor into my decks.

Battle Squadron, Chancellor of the Gorge, and Goblin Snowman are neat, but there are much more efficient ways to run Goblin decks. You really want to decide whether you want to go wide with a ton of tokens, or build up your field with lords and fling/goblin grenade your opponent. I'd say that Goblin tribal is a strong, well-sorted tribal deck that, unless newer sets build up it's support, has been pretty much optimized in Modern.

But if you want to build something janky for kitchen table, the world is your oyster ;)

Also, I noticed you've got 66 cards in your deck. Assuming that isn't because you're still tinkering, you need to drop it down to 60. Efficiency is key, especially when you're counting on specific cards to come up at specific times, and the more cards you have in your deck, the less efficient it becomes. Many others have said it much more elloquently than I can, but it's a good rule to live by.

Posted 18 April 2019 at 17:32 as a comment on Goblin deck


Interesting to see someone brewing in such an old block. Hard to even suggest anything here. Do you play with this in paper? If so, who do you play against? I'm most curious about your playgroup, if indeed you are playing this in the real world somewhere.

Posted 18 April 2019 at 13:17 as a comment on Dandan counterspell Ice Age


Seems a little land-heavy. I'd drop it down to no more than 22, but nothing you have really constitutes the large mana-base, so maybe just 20. It also seems like your only win condition is Ajani's Pridemate, which, while it can get really large, can be easily destroyed.

Maybe pop an Aetherflux Reservoir in there with all that life-gain?
Sunbond allows you to pump anyone with each point of life it gives you.
Oreskos Sun Guide is a good way to gain two life, as well as a good body on the field.
Archangel of Thune can buff every creature you control whenever you gain life, so fits right in here, albeit a bit expensive to cast.
Path of Bravery makes a lot of sense too, with the theme of the deck.

Just a few suggestions I found that might help. Solid idea, look forward to it's evolution.

Posted 16 April 2019 at 20:28 as a comment on Nomads


Like the tribal nature of this token deck. Few other things that you might want to consider:
- Watchers of the Dead for an on-flavor and on-tribe graveyard hate, as it doesn't appear that you rely on bringing things back from yours.
- Prowling Serpopard as maybe a sideboard against blue? With a deck that relies so heavily on creatures being out and attacking, it seems like you'd want that protection from the color of, "Nope."
- I like Regal Caracal for it's ability, but it may be a bit too expensive for what it gives. It is a non-legendary tribal lord though, so may be of some assistance.

The only other comment I can make on the deck is it seems like you have a good handful of legendary creatures. If you have built this deck, do you know if they trip over each other in your hand? I often find myself having issues casting creatures in a deck that has more than a couple of legendaries in it, but maybe that's just my own experience, and not indicative of the whole?

Like this deck, always thought a modern Cat deck could be awesome, but Cats + tokens? I'm sold!

Posted 15 April 2019 at 17:04 as a comment on cat deck


Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx only makes devotion of one color, meaning that you would be paying two mana to make, at most 4 green... Doesn't seem as fast as your comment makes it seem, but Nykthos might be a good addition here, since there's a lot of green devotion with or without burning tree emissary... Unless I'm missing something?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see how they combo together. I don't know if I'll run both, as it seems pretty finnickey, but I like the shrine in this deck. Thank you for the suggestion!

Posted 10 April 2019 at 02:29 in reply to #623727 on Speed Ghalta


Seems to be banned in Modern, and only viable in Pauper formats. The format of this deck isn't set, but if it's meant to be in Modern, that would explain their absence.

Posted 09 April 2019 at 18:37 in reply to #623719 on Rise of the Myr


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