I like your deck! Mono green avoids some of the problems I'm having in my GU-deck. I would still consider gitaxian probe, though. Information is always valuable (it sucks blowing all your pumps into prevented damage), and it adds consistency as it effectively thins your deck down. Also, I would consider prey upon in a mono-green deck. It's very effective removal, especially combined with pump. Finally, if you ever have problems with getting through blockers, apostle's blessing could be consitered. I like what evolution charm does, but blessing gives protection, making it work as avoidance and is a mana cheaper (this should be significant considering you only run 18 lands) at the cost of some versatility. If I were to take anything out, I'd cut virulent sliver. Poisonous is not imfect, so even if you pump it, it only applies 1 poison counter. I'd also consider cutting giant growth and blight mamba/rot wolf, but it definitely needs testing. All over it depends heavily on the meta, and if this works for you, roll with it.Hope it helps, thanks for the feedback on my deck!
Thanks a lot. Yeah, manabase is my main concern. I really like what I get from blue, but without the proper mana base it comes at the cost of speed or concistency. Not sure if it's worth, I'll definitely consider going mono green if I end up lpsing to not having the right color/having to play lands tapped.
I really wouldn't play 3 colors in a format where you don't have good mana fix. While black is tempting, I really think it's better just not going black and play pump spells/utility instead. If you can make your guy unblockable and swing for 10 damage on turn 2/3, you don't really need removal. You also only really need to draw one of your creatures, sideboard to make it stick if you need to.That said, your deck is a LOT cheaper. While brainstorm, gitaxian probe and rancor are completely awesome here, they are a bit too expensive to really call this a budget deck.
How to win turn 2 with this deck: Turn 1: Forest --> Llanowar Elves Turn 2: Forest --> Tap all for 3 mana, play Titania with instill energy. Tap titania for 2 mana and play Glimpse of Nature then Heritage Druid. Untap Titania using Instill energy's ability and tap for 3 mana, play a Wirewood Symbiote and a Seedcradle Witch Leave a mana hanging and untap Titania with Wirewood Symbiote, returning the tapped Llanowar Elves. Play the Llanowar Elves and use Heritage druid to tap that, Seedcradle Witch and Heritage Druid for 3 mana. Play a Skyshroud elf. You now have Titania untapped, 5 elves in play and seedcradle/skyshroud elf ready to get infinite combo rolling. Best starting hand for this is Titania, Llanowar, Heritage Druid, Glimpse of Nature, Instill Energy and 2 lands. The remaining cards needed (Symbiote, Seedcradle and Skyshroud Elf) is drawn with Glimpse of Nature / turn 2 draw step. Any card apart from the Llanowar Elves can be replaced by a Summoner's Pact. Yes, this requires a lot of luck, but it IS possible.
Have you considered Rhys the Redeemed? Great for token elves, but perhaps a bit slow for this deck. By the time you get him rolling you should already have won. Instill energy could possibly give you a bit extra speed, giving you some extra haste and untap. Also, you could add some summoner's pacts or green sun's zeniths to thin the deck. Perhaps remove 2x warcallers for pacts? Just some ideas from the top of my head, really liking your deck. Check out my elf deck if you feel like it, quite different from yours ;-)