¦¦¦¦¦ Infinite combos:
Muldrotha + displacer kitten + lion's eye diamond = With Muldtlrotha & kitten in play, play lion's eye, kitten flickers Muldrotha resetting the count of artifacts you can play from the graveyard, sac lion's eye for mana & then replay lions eye. Rinse & repeat for infinite coloured mana.
Muldrotha + displacer kitten + lotus petal = The exact same as lions eye.
Muldrotha + displacer kitten + urza's bauble = The same as lion's eye, but instead of infinite mana, I draw infinite cards at next turns upkeep & see all my opponents hands.
Muldrotha + displacer kitten + mishra's bauble = The exact same as urza's bauble, but instead of seeing all my opponents hands, I just see the top card of everyone's libraries.
Muldrotha + displacer kitten + aether spellbomb + already having infin mana = Instead of infinite draw kicking in next turn, I get infinite draw & infinite bounce target creature this turn.
Muldrotha + mindslaver + having 10 mana = Infinite take control of 1 opponents turn.
Muldrotha + mindslaver + displacer kitten + infinite mana = Infinite take all opponents turns.
Any of: Mana vault, Grim monolith, basalt monolith + either of: mana reflection or nyxbloom ancient = Infinite colourless mana.
¦¦¦¦¦ Automatic win combos:
Drawing infinite cards + thassa's oracle = auto win the game.
Mikaeus, the unhallowed + triskelion = continuously pinging & recuring triskelion for infinite damage to infinite targets.
¦¦¦¦¦ Key tutors:
Both defense of the heart as well as tooth and nail put mikaeus & triskelion directly into play for instant win. Defense of the heart can be recurred with Muldrotha.
Buried alive tutors for mikaeus & triskelion + 1 extra creature.
Intuition can tutor for any win combo, displacer kitten + aether spellbomb + lions eye diamond. Or mikaeus + triskelion.
¦¦¦¦¦ Other noteable combo's & synergies:
Muldrotha + fetchlands = you never miss a land drop each turn, allowing you to reliably make that jump from 6-10 mana for the bigger spells.
Muldrotha + strip mine = you can stax out a land from your opponent every turn.
Muldrotha + either bauble but no displacer kitten = still drawing an extra card each turn for 0cmc.
Muldrotha + aether spellbomb but no displacer kitten = still either drawing an extra card each turn, or bouncing 1 target creature a turn (not the best, but not worst stax piece) for 2cmc.
¦¦¦¦¦ Key control cards are:
Mystic remora which never cumulates it's upkeep cuz you can just always sac it & replay it with Muldrotha.
Contamination because I always sac it to it's self, giving me access to the coloured mana I need on my turn, then replay it to screw my opponents out of their mana colours on their turn.
Zur's weirding because I never let my opponents draw any good cards, meanwhile cards being in my graveyard are basically the same as being in my hand when I have Muldrotha.
Archfiend of depravity stops token decks from getting out of hand.
Angel of suffering, nobody wants to have all their damage negated & essentially make me draw a ridiculous ammount of cards. That would be silly.
Phyrexian scriptures + Muldrotha = every 3rd turn I boardwipe & exile opponents graveyards but muldrotha survives
¦¦¦¦¦ Mana sinks for infinite mana
Steel hellkite
Drana, kalastria bloodchief
¦¦¦¦¦ Basic ramp curve
Strong ratio of 1cmc ramp & 3cmc ramp. So ideally T1 you drop a land & ramp to 3. T2 you drop a land & ramp to 5. T3 you drop a land & either play muldrotha & combo off T4 or at least start playing some scary creature threats.
If that dosn't happen, lots of removal to stop the opponent, lots of stax pieces that hold the opponent down, stax works amazingly with Muldrotha's recursion ability.
The deck likes to combo off into some type of infinite, but it's also not a glass cannon. If the combos get stopped, reducing the opponents to a minimum & following up with creatures swinging with annihilator is the backup plan.
¦ (Sideboard is just a list of cards I most want to try to include) ¦