Play style of this deck:
Prossh is gunna grab you like the limp rag doll you are & use you to fucking masturbate with. You will be nothing but bloody coagulated pulp dripping off his THICK VEINY COCK!!!!!
Less graphic description of the playstyle of this deck:
Voltron style (commander damage) aggro
It runs tons of mana ramp/land grab in order to thin the deck of land & start throwing down an endless barrage of threats reliably by turn 6
it has crazy crazy card draw & tutors so even if i dont get you this turn ill be coming for lethal next turn, and the turn after that, and the one after that and after that, im hungry for blood
its biggest weakness are cards like: terminus, forbid, nevermore (any specifically commander hating stuff) & in a regularialy played in meta this deck will be THEE reason cards like that will be auto included in decks
Prossh + (insert card name here) = WIN combos:
Armed // Dangerous =
+1/+1to prossh making him 6/6, force everything to block one of his tokens & sac the rest to make him at least 11/6 double strike, swing for lethal
(also goes well with forcing everything to block phyrexian obliterator)
Berserk =
If prossh gets through with his minimum of 6 tokens boosting him to 12/6 doubling that with berserk is lethal, then it kills him allowing me to replay him next turn to have more fun, also if an opponent attacks another opponent i can double its power & kill it to hurt both people for hella value
Beastmaster Ascension =
Play prossh for the first time, get 6 tokens, swing with prossh & all 6 tokens, triggers beastmaster, now you have 6x 5/6 tokens swinging & 1x 10/10 flying general
Grave Pact =
Sac a token to pump prossh & everyone else has to sac guys, prossh makes lots of tokens so u can pretty much make them sac their fields & u can keep tokens around to sac at instant speed
Dictate of Erebos =
Sac a token to pump prossh & everyone else has to sac guys, prossh makes lots of tokens so u can pretty much make them sac their fields & u can keep tokens around to sac at instant speed
Butcher of Malakir =
Sac a token to pump prossh & everyone else has to sac guys, prossh makes lots of tokens so u can pretty much make them sac their fields & u can keep tokens around to sac at instant speed
Insurrection =
Grab everything, untap & haste, beat face, if ppl arent already dead then sac all their stuff
Harness by Force =
Grab all the biggest creatures, untap & haste, beat face, if ppl arent already dead then sac all their stuff
Hatred =
Basically if anything at all gets through & I have more life & I have 5mana open im going to win
Xenagos, God of Revels=
Prossh with his basic first casting sac pumps brings him to 11/5 flying, xenagos being indestructible makes it so even after most boardwipes im going to be swinging lethal over & over again
Purphoros, god of the forge =
Play Purphoros then play Prossh, on Prossh's first cast you get 7 creatures so purphoros deals 14 & his devotion trigers, do whatever shenanigans you want till Prossh ends up dead & replay him, Purphoros being indestructible means he'll probably still be around, replay Prossh getting 9 creatures this time dealing 18 with Purphoros & trigger his devotion again, rinse & repeat, the indestructability and indestructible 6/5 you get out of it makes for awesome value for your 4cmc & is just very very difficult to stay alive for long when going against it & it takes down all opponents at once
Fireshrieker =
Prossh with his basic first casting sac pumps brings him to 11/5 flying, one hit from that with double strike is lethal
Sorin Markov =
Automatically put you at 10, thats a loss of 30 life for 6 mana & he still gets to sit around to annoyingly ping for 2, you being at 10 means your 1 hit away from my flying general
Skullclamp =
The first time u play prossh you get 6 tokens, equip this & then sac them at instant speed & you still get the flying 11/5 but you also draw 12 cards
Dark Prophecy =
Each token u sac is lose 1 life draw a card pretty much a second copy of necropotence, its also an enchantment so youll be drawing lots of cards for a while to come
Pattern of rebirth =
Play on one of prossh's tokens & sac search for any of:
- butcher of malakir : sac the rest of the tokens to boardwipe
- rune scarred demon : tutor for any card u want (planeswalkers, enchantments etc)
- xenagos/purphoros : ive already covered why their so good
- ulamog : just beat some face
Garruk, Primal Hunter=
If you dont sac pump prossh this is 5cmc draw 5 cards, if you do sac pump prossh to his max off of his first cast this is 5cmc draw 11 cards, if thats not exactly what you want to do at the moment then just make a beast, up garruks loyalty & u get to draw the cards & keep him around as well, also if his ultimate ever goes off thats realy game winning as well, & i run reliquary tower so if i do draw 11 cards from him + the 7 from opening hand + the 1 card a turn till the turn that i can get this out its quite easily to have drawn 30ish cards in total from my deck at that point, so draw 11+ play the tower & dont have to discard cards
The possibly include list is the sideboard