It's not super cheep, but this is my standard blink deck I have rolling with. It has had a decent amount of success.
In case you are still interested it got to the semifinals in a tournament tonight but lost to a ridiculously fast burn deck.
Check out conjuers closet. it combo's really well with Thundermaw. I would appreciate if you checked out my deck and gave me some advice.
I run a very similar green agro deck think about putting Rancor in, it works pretty well with flicker effects. I would appreciate if you checked out my deck
I really like all the combos you have in here, maybe throw in some wild growths to help with land ramp. Check out my blink deck and let me know what you think.
Good call I never even thought of acidic slime.
Great deck maybe add a wurmcoil engine? check out my blink deck.
You might want to replace primal huntbeast with something with more upside like Dungrove Elder, or Predator Ooze. Check out my blink deck
Grimoire of the dead might be a good sideboard card it should combo pretty well with all of you assassins. Check out my deck
I'll add that to the sideboard
I love Primeval Titan and Mwonvuli Beast Tracker in this, but I don't understand why Mwonvuli Acid-Moss is in it. Check out my blink deck and please leave comments and criticisms.
Great Blink deck Check out Birthing Pod and check out my blink deck
Good call I put it in, thank you very much.
You should think about throwing in Ajani's Pridemate for a good late game damage dealer. Check out my deck
Very cool deck. Check out mine
Gosh darn this brutal, well built. Check out my deck
Maybe consider putting in Urabrask the Hidden to speed yourself up and slow down you competitors. Please check out my deck
That would work way better. check out my deck and let me know what you think.
Great deck since you are running so many swamps consider running Liliana of the Dark Realms instead of Liliana of the veil and Mutilate as an additional way to control you opponents.
Since Ulamog is a legendary creature if their is more then one copy of him on the field they all die. : /
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