Man, that´s just broken! Much as I like Jaya, I must say volcano hellion in this deck is a definite game-winner!. And the stuffy dolls + Furnace of Rath + Shivan Meteor means 1hit KO most of the time! I´m just not sure about Kher Keeps. 1 to 4 0/1 creatures a turn for 2 mana each in a deck which´s not about numbers doesn´t look very promising, although they could come in handy to keep yourself alive during the first turns. Even so, I guess there could be better nonbasic lands to be added here
Nice one! I´ve been thinking about something very much like this lately, but I somehow thought it might be a bit slow and started thinking about a blue/red setup. But this deck might work wonders! Think I´m gonna playtest with virtual cards one of these days! I´m just not too sure about 4 Jayas. I like her a lot, sure, but 4 copies of a non Grandeur legend seems a bit too much, though I understand that this plus Mindmoil makes it certain that one´ll pop up early. All in all, looks good =)
Hm, doesn´t look as much of a threat at second glance. Does anyone have tips?
Hm. Comments considered, changes done. Looks a bit better? =P