using hivestone on myself would cause me to lose any life the plague sliver deals to the player, keeping 1 sliver out while they have like 5 is perfect for reduction, and if anything went wrong, I can just use damnation.
The reason why I have no need for sliver queen is because the slivers that I already have in there buff all my slivers like hell :) So tokens wouldn't do much good unless I wanted to just over run my opponent. I like to have fun, and mess with someone before I kill them. :)
Look at my "Sterling Sliver" Deck, i'm undefeated in the SST (Sliver Strategy Tourny) up in IA. I beat people within 7 turns or less.
ShadowRanger88: A: Well Shadow sliver is put in for the account of other sliver decks or a shadow deck. I don't recommend someone putting him out unless he is facing creatures with shadow or other slivers with shadow sliver. He is only a precaution, but I have won many games vs. sliver decks using my shadow sliver. My friend steven always got mad when he used his shadow deck because all I needed to do is put out shadow sliver and he was done for.
Blaze_Gallent: A: Well to concern your issue, the reason why I have 1 of each sliver is because if you get the mana you need, you can put out a new sliver every single turn :D especially it helps with sliver legion and coat of arms, not to mention all the effects you'll have with all the slivers. And with Crypt Sliver, you can keep regenerating slivers you've lost (if any).
Well To concern all your askings I will put it in a Q: ; A: format. kaim_arouet: I see a huge issue, you only run 8 land. You want closer to 20. A: Well you see, my friend, is that the land is only for starting out. If you draw a Khalni Gem or a Darksteel Ingot, thats already more mana. Especially if you get a Gemhide Sliver out. Thats a lot of mana you'll be getting to put out more slivers. And yes, I know your mana pool runs out every turn, just keep tapping the khalni gems and darksteel ingots.
If you want instructions on how to play this deck I'd gladly tell ya. Make sure to give me 10s :D
Well with my sliver deck, with all the colors it has and the ability to keep my mana pool, makes it to were I can summon any kind of Sliver even if I don't use Ghostflame Sliver. Many of my slivers have so many effects by the time I have constant mana that they are almost impossible to destroy, especially after using Crystalline Sliver. Even without 2 of each sliver, the chances of me drawing a sliver that would benefit me in any way is nearly 100%.
Hmm, wonderful Ally deck. It would be a great challenge vs. my Sliver deck. However, I've never lost with my slivers before so I don't know how it would turn out in the end.