Aww, I thought you were gonna tinker with it :(
Really, trust me, This deck doesent really cae about blockers. It is a fast swarm deck. But there is no ham in testing so I will, will come back with more info tomorow
Why would I need arrest, it costs more mana, is slower and can get destroyed
I think that I will keep the warden in. atleast in some amount, because the combo with darien is great. dealt 5 damage put 5 1/1 onto the battlefield gain 5 life. Squire is kind of going away from the mentality of this deck. I never saw zealot before, he is really good but I dint know what to take out...
I have 4 memnite... dispatch is much much better because It costs 1 mana, I always have metal craft, gets RID of the creature(no more sacing), instant. I think that this explains enough
My thought exactly. the hight of my curve is 3 (with what I play) otherrs I combo out.
dude... to many 2 ofs
just got a good idea, add spidersilk net, (free eqipment)
Very nice, very nice deck indeed but you should probably add dismember and remove darksteels and piston sledge( It is great in limited but not as good in construced). also if u dont mind spending money add student of warfare.and ajani .
you should pobarbly add some costly soldiers and moare preeminent captains. also swap the true convictions fo militias pride. Check my deck for some ideas
Ok you shoul run... less land no blessing giant growth blight mamba more large guys or more boost spells But very nice for a budget deck
now that I think about it you shoul sideboard unstable footing or shine of burning rage to deal with pesky PRO red
I also started with scars, but I begun with legacy, I might try gideon. but I do not think they are too good in legacy. thanks anyway
Even though pheonix is awsome I dont think you have enough artifacts to activate it all too much (40 procent of the time prob) and moltensteel is really a better choise, and also I dont want to be a "check my deck " zombie but could you check it pls:) P:S. love the name and description
Even though pheonix is awsome I dont think you have enough artifacts to activate it all too much (40 procent of the time prob) and moltensteel is really a better choise, and also I dont want to be a "check my deck " zombie but could you check it pls:)
I think you maybye have too many lords... and only 4 token making cards.Eventhough the flutterstorm combo would b great I dont think it works . you could possibly splash green for tarmagoyf (I hope thats how u spell it :) )
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