Pauper Golgari Cat Food Pox

by TheSwarmer on 15 September 2024

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (2)

Sorceries (2)

Artifacts (2)

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Deck Description

Attrition is the only thing that gets me rock hard these days, that and kitties.

I thought I was very clever in devising the next evolutionary step for Golgari Gardens only to learn that people used to run Cauldron Familiar in the long forgotten past (like 14 months ago).

I think Gardens decks do not need win conditions, they just need to not lose. If you are going to run a card that wins the game, it better also do something else exceptionally well. Campfire fulfills that role, but it does give decks with their own Wellsprings and Disputes the chance to catch up, if you draw 3 lands in a row while they draw 3 threats in a row you will lose, despite having been ahead for the past 7 turns.

Cauldron Familiar is an amazing chump blocker that also gains life while pressuring the opponent. It also makes it very hard for slower Terror decks to hold on to the Monarchy and for Gruul and Gardens opponents to hold on to the Initiative, fixing the one issue that not running Hunter leaves this deck with. It also makes Eviscerator's Insight more worth running so there's that.

With the thinning that Heaped Harvest provides, the ability to hold on to the monarchy via chump blocks, and Eviscerator's Insight you are extremely well equipped for the long game.

NOTE: The third Snuff Out is experimental, it is great against Terror decks, Glee, and even Gruul where you have about as much removal as they have threats but can struggle to keep up when 8 of their threats are 2-for-1s and Tithing Blades are hard to line up.

In its stead you may want to consider:
Blood Fountain to up the threat & artifact count and especially to have a better time closing out games via Crypt Rats.
Campfire to improve the burn matchup and to make it literally impossible to win against you via attrition.

How to Play

Literally just get to turn 21 and find yourself winning via Sepulcher triggers, a Troll you found laying around, or with a combination of cats and rats.

Fangren Marauder is amazing against affinity and Rakdos. It also comes clutch sometimes when opponents sideboard out their removal. Various Sneaky Snacker Boros type builds can just fold to this card, especially if you can also sideboard in Grudge against them.

I believe you MUST run red for Ancient Grudge. It is impossible to trade 1-for-1 with Refurbished Familiar otherwise. Also, sometimes you get 2 lands with it.

4th Snuff Out for Gruul, Glee, and Terror.

All in all, the goal is to beat Mono Red, Affinity, Glee, and Terror often enough to make this a viable metagame contender.

MTGO Leagues:
Golgari Turbo-Fog 2-0 ------------- (draw into time out)
Mono Blue Terror 2-1 ------------- (Foil & Snacker build)
Elves 2:1
Affinity 1-2

Deck Tags

  • Pauper
  • Golgari
  • Meow
  • Control
  • Attrition

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 323 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Pauper Golgari Cat Food Pox

Seems like Chromatic Star would be a perfect fit here. Too bad it's not a food. This whole thing looks promising though, just the sort of build that ignites my imagination. I'm not super jazzed about the 3-drop nature of Heaped Harvest, but the back end of getting 2 lands out of it with the Cat trigger is probably worth it.

Posted Sunday at 18:02


Yeah, a 1 mana star-like food like that cantrips wold be great here. Heaped harvest gets kind of redeemed by gaining enough life to offset a Lightning Bolt and filling the vacant 3 drop slot (as you almost never play out Crypt Rats on curve).

Posted Sunday at 18:25
