I thought about doing this same thing execpt black. The automaton rules, and moving weapons off of 1/1 germs rules.
How does this keep happening?!?!?!
This is a good deck. It has all the best draw spells. Try an ornithopter or a bonesaw.
I can dig it.
Haha, The net said so. This is like the net deck right now. i HATE IT.
You little bitch.
You a sell out mang.
Yea, haha, I guess so. I remember when I built this deck to win Worlds 1995. I went 7829-0 with this baby.
But it is alright, though.
This deck is bullshit. You are full of bullshit. Hey, get that bullshit off your face. Bullshit.
You must be a casual player, Cause it is different in the big leagues. The Ranger of Eos pulls the scute mobs for landfall and I attach the Razor boomarang to Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs. Sorry if I didn't make that win condition clear, I beleived it to be understood. I guess with my 24 world championships I can forget that not all decks are self explanitory. Hopefully that clears it up for you.
Then I hardcast emrakul by cascading into bonesaw, and stonforge puts out the squadron hawk. It's plain as day.
It thins the deck so I can hardcast the Valakut.
It's the bonesaw you fool.
You should be good as long as the only deck you play against isn't a U/W planeswlker deck.
Sick. Put another progenitus to thin out the deck.
Suicidal tendencies is a good band.
I was runnig a blue red Soliton deck similar to this and I liked it alot. Mine only ran the mana producing myr's and a grip more control. I switched it up to mono blue, though, cause I love Grand Architect almost as much as soliton. Check it out and let me know what you think. SOLITON!!!!!!!
Epic. I'd maybe use bulbasaur instead, but stiil epic.
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