You may or may not have emrakul, so assuming you don't you should have another "Bomb" by turn 4-5
This deck is neat and all, but if you're looking to make it PAST round 47 you're going to need a deck focused on SPEED and CONSISTENCY, not silly 10th Grade novelty combos pulled straight from . What, that deck is right HERE??---->>>>>>> ?¿? ?? ¿ ? !? ¿!? ? ! ?¿! Man is that a nice, clean deck focused on realistic goals. The kind of deck that will get you to round 94 and beyond, not a measly 47.
This deck could be really great with the upcoming and quite exciting High Alert, but how could it ever win against something that prevents its every move, like the "Mer-Guile's Alarm 2019 v1.0, Part 6-12, remixed and remastered" Redux? And for $300 less! For anyone interested in the best way to make this deck entirely useless, checkout
Why not drop Seething Song to make Modern Legal?
I mean, competitive almost always means speed. The game is about who wins fastest, and who can control the pace of the game. This deck in particular needs cards that are espensive like athreos to pace the game. That being said, it is still relatively cheap for a competitively capable modern deck.
@Bruscious, trust me man, this deck can't perform well under $60. I build it from lower budget up to this point, and it performs fantastically now.
Cauldron Haze works very nicely with Dictate / Grave pact as well. I will definitely have to look into this.
My God does hexmage look like a sexy alternative to oblivion ring (for planeswalkers.) Thanks for the suggestion man!
1. Of course, but you know. Money. That and this deck has almost never failed me mana wise turn 1. Rarely do I need to fetch anything.2. My only problem with Rally the ancestors is I can't tell you how many times returning all of my 1 drops to the battlefield to delay the game has helped me. For example, returning 3 kami's of false hope easily turns the tide. That, and I can return them AGAIN, if I have 2 Immortal sevitudes and a dictate.3. Ive been thinking of switching in grave pact. The way this deck paces the game and controls your creatures, you dont just want board wipes. It's much more fun. Trust me, Ive playtested a lot of different ways, and when they break one gear in your combo, youre done. I like have a sort of "unstoppable" machine.
You think this deck is good? More like this dick is müd! Check out ANY DECK I'VE EVER MADE if you want to have some REAL man meat slapped in your face
But... 4 more mountains would literally do the same exact thing; no need for evolving
I actually like how it works with Obsidian Fireheart a lot.
You know that the mana from Braid of Fire empties at the end of your upkeep, right?
Check this baby out
Thanks man! I was toying with him for a while and tried to turn it into a more consistent win-con. And this is true, I'll toss 'er in
Too slow and expensive IMO. If you could get some more delay I think it could be better.
think he's goin modern d00d
Why do you have an evolving wilds?
rune snag is hella tho
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