Not sure how competitive this would be, but was fun to dream up!
Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. My goal was to keep this a fairly cheap deck. Looks like January's OAG may give me more options for colorless, but at a price of new mana cards not needed in BFG.
Veteran Warleader may be a good add. Is similar to wayfairing temple
Love the variety I'm seeing in this singleton deck! Being fairly new to magic, I'm putting together a w/g deck, and this deck gave me tons of ideas for interesting cards to add.
Very interesting choices. I'm also building a White/Green deck, and was looking for some good ideas. Vintage always seems to have some fun choices, but because of their age, some of the cards can set you back a bit! Thanks for sharing.
Let me know what you think! This deck has only a few cards ineligible for standard, making it easily modified to remove those cards.