im playing with this by the way :) so prepare to win :L
yeah that is definitely a problem i think, although thats what the counterspells and the sword of war and peace are useful for amongst others, but thats still a valid point and i will have to hope i dont go up against burn decks with lots of shooters
Memoride, extapate, surgical extration, counterbore, meddling mage...
Precursor Golem is awesome in these venser decks, also you might want to think about glimmerpoint stag becasue with that and venser you can make venser invisible during their turn
yeah ur deck is quite nice although it goes down a different route to mine, mine is pretty much elf inspired but with blight mamba
i have to disagree and i think that nighthawk would be better but its your deck so fair enough
yeah thats a good point actually, although i dont know what to swap them for
why not nighthawk
yeah fair enough, its still really nice
really nice idea, id swa out 1 zektar shrine expidition and 1 war and peace for 2 inferno titans and im not sure about the land balance but apart from that its really nice
porcelain legionaire would work nicely in this deck
kalastria highborn?
It would struggle against Mathias T's fast infect deck or a complete control deck with lotsvof counter spells and anti-artifact spells
This deck is absolutely Horrible I hate playing against it good job mate i have to say though I think
1:vampire nighthawk 2:vampire nocturnus 3:overwhelming stampede 4:viridian betrayers 5:sorin markov
i really like this deck, but i have no idea what i could suggest to make it better, maybe sword of vengence?
i cant believe i forgot about glissas other ability,yeah you're right about the obliterator, i will swap 4 obliterators fdor 4 gremlin mines, thanks for the tip
nice deck :) maybe sorin markov and i have to ask, why the phyrexian crusader when you have no other infect creatures?
thats a horrible combo, massively good, nice deck :)
looks quite fun :)
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