Thank you for the advice. Since this is the only amass affect I have in my deck, it is guaranteed to be super good
Maybe add gifted aetherborn (2/3 deathtouch lifelink for BB)It is in Aether revoltIt is an aetherbornYour choice on what to cut
Wait. 2 colors would mean you would need a mana base which is expensive. And if you are going non-budget, might as well splash Blue and Green for Hydroid krasis and tell everyone that you have sultai midrange
Modern at one point was: Wanna play solita- I mean play against KCI?
Popular decks are only at most 5% of the meta. Dredge is the most, and it's 5. So a huge chunk of it is decks that are good that are original. Modern is a very diverse format.
Serum powder. You need to mull a hand with that and still be able to get your combo
Do you know what would be nice here? Saporling migration. It makes two creatures, and is a busted card.
KCI was 20% of the meta at the time. Not even GDS beat it. Everyone had a sideboard for it.
HAHAHAHAHeartless summoning is a broken deck.Loses to most matchups game 2 and 3, maybe instead of demystify, have disenchant?Gets shrecked by leyline of void, tormod's crypt, you can beat rest in peace, you lose to graveyard hate in general. Heard of a way to guarantee the combo with Gifts Ungiven. Can't figure it out though. Overall, great concept. If you turn one Thoughtseize their thoughtseize and force them to turn one fetch a shock and thought scour themselves, you'll be pretty happy. ;)
With the meta right now, your opponent would either in response bolt/Assassin's trophy it then play a fair card called surgical extraction... You need a way to prevent that from happening in game 2 without going over your budget. But you do beat lots of decks. If you can have it die and resolve longbow, then you can beat control. You can beat whir prison. You can't beat burn, so I'd put kor firewalkers in the sideboard, you can beat tron game 1, but they board in natures claim. Against Grixis death shadow, you just lose to thoughtseize and inquisition of kozelik. Izzet phoenix bolts your famished paladin, Storm just destroys you, spirits plays spell queller on your longbow and you lose. splash
Actually, you loot enough to mill them out in one turn.
Cut some cards for a better combo. Better combo: flash into hulk, get karmic guide and carrion feeder, Get hulk back and sac it to get Kiki-Jiki, use Kiki jiki to copy Karmic guide, in response, sacrifice it to Carrion feeder. Do this infinite times, then finally use kiki-jiki to get back hulk, and get a heart-piercer manticore and throw your infinity/Infinity carrion feeder at their face.
Possibly cut the bomat courier. By the time you are able to get the cards you need to get a hollow one off of the couriour, your probably dead.
Anti this:DredgeControl OopsallspellsDark depthsEssentially, make this a modern deck. Legacy is too strong. You only need to cut two cards
1 problem with your combo- Dampening sphere. It makes it so that you cant go infinite, basically killing you.
Lots of stuff. You need to cut enigma drake, wee dragonauts, ral, shock and electro static field, put in Arclight phoenix, discovery//Dispersal, Goblin electromancer, tormenting voice and some more. Turn this into Izzet Phoenix.
4 of wildgrowth walker, cut some doom whispers, and izoni.
Run red for goblin chainwhirler, cut benalish marshal, Valiant knight, and Knight's pledge for path of mettle, rigging runner, justice strike, aurelia, and Vraska's contempt. Figure it out.
This deck versus my Mono red burn deck (standard):Turn 1 for you: Mountain. Turn 1 for me: mountain ghitu lavarunner.Turn 2 for you: Mountain champion of the flame. Turn 2 for me: Mountain, attack for one. Turn 3 for you: Upkeep: Champion of the flame gets shocked. Mountain, Valduk, shortsword. Turn 3 for me: Mountain, Runaway steam kin, attack for one, second main chainwhirler. Turn 4 for you: Champion of the flame, equip, see red, go. Turn 4 for me: swing for three with chainwhirler, before first strike damage lightning strike, RIsk factor, you are pretty much dead.
Btw, the meta is NOT gruul dinosaurs. It's mostly three decks: Paper (Golgari explore)Rock (Boros Aggro)Scissors (Izzet spells)Everything else (Mono red, Selesnya tokens, 5 color control, etc.)Golgari midrange beats this deck with one removal spellBoros agro kills this deck with Justice strikeIzzet spells destroys this deck with something called Blink of an eye. Mono red just kills Champion of the flame/Valduk as soon as it comes in. This deck is a good idea, but you need to splash Blue for some counterspells to protect your stuff. Like Spell pierce, Dive down, etc.
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