I swear we were drinking the same thing at the same time lol....look at the deck i just made and you will see what I mean .. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380137
My decks are a bit off beat lol http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380137 kessigs splinters its blue green black and white. And my token explosion deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=378705 its a token deck with a twist, black and white.
Ok so I switched the deck up quite a lot, here's the new version. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380137
Maybe replace the black with green, throw some kessig cagebreakers, ghoultree, splinterfrights, throw some mulches and disentomb in. It would make you mill faster and actually benefit from it. Just an idea though.
Aside from remove cards, um...unbreathing horde to take advantage of your huge amount of zombies, and zombie infestation to weed out your hand, discard zombies for the grimoire, and add tokens, and maybe cellar door to pull zombies off the bottom for your grimoire and more tokens. I'd say a killing wave, exanguinate, or black sun zenith may help take out your opponent faster.
Thankyou smasamune, I have been trying to find a way to splash blue. I don't think ill be able to until I get my hands on some darkslick shores though. I even " pondered" (pardon the bad pun lol) switching the black for blue, it would limit a lot of my deck though, but if I get my hands on some darkslicks and more woodlands I should be able to make it work smoothly.
I love this deck, for a sidebar maybe some killing waves and 2 more blood artist. I use a kessig deck. Podding in gravecrawler for blood artist, with four on the field and any other creature I can killing wave for zero sac everything and do massive damage. Just seems like more blood artist would do major damage even without the killing waves.
Oh, and as long as your flinging. You could put a ghoultree in. With all the creatures dying you can get one in pretty cheap. Fling that and you so some serious damage.
I run a sort of similar deck, I do want to give you an idea that helped mine. I replaced the boneyard wurm with wreath of geists. It let's you turn any creature into a boneyard wurm. I have to fight myself to replace creatures in my deck but this was worth the trade. Here's my similar deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=364014
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=364014 this my deck, its a similar theme. I want to suggest replacing the boneyard wurm with wreath of geists, it allows you to turn any creature into a boneyard wurm. And since he doesn't have trample he gets chumped fast, I use the wreath on splinterfright to double his power.
I had zombie infestation in the original deck, but i ended up top decking or not using it at all. And spider spawning is so expensive, that I rarely use it. Most of the time I only use it to block flyers or use it to add to the blood artist killing wave combo. Feed the pack fits a bit better, and gives way more tokens for the sac. Thank you for the suggestions :)
Nice, I'm really glad you showed that spoiler. That card is going straight onto my current deck :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=364014
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