If only I had the card... Lol I'm looking for like 2-3 play sets. For all my EDH n some 60's. On my list of wanted cards. Has been for weeks... Anything I can use that offers the same or similar thing?
******changes made****** should b a lot better now :) tell me what u think... suggestions or comments..!!!
****Updated**** still needs some changes. Need 3 spellbombs to replace the 3 myrs.. Also needs 3 more quests whe I do I'll take out probably the manticore and 2 dragon claws to replace. What u think of it??
Yeah I like the idea of Collective voyage! That's awesome! I had the same idea about losing the rite. Still haven't been able to drop it. Too heavy. N treasure hunt.. I was thinking of putting another in.. But I might take it out for a voyage, take out explore for another voyage, n lose the rite for a dark ritual Thanks for the idea!
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=213221 This is my zombie deck.. Works well.. Not standard.. But some good standard cards in there that might help
Made some changes after play testing a fair bit... Here it is! What u think now?
I'd only run zombie infestation if you have a lot of over draw or at least graveyard recursion.
I think turn aside is a very useful counter spell for protecting illusions :D
I agree.. I haven't played with it enough had the idea for a while n put it together. Played about 5 or 6 games with it now and got my opponent down to less then 10-15 cards and less then 10 life. I ended up just top decking cos I ran out of cards in hand. Thats y I thought I might need more draw I see what u mean though.. I don't want it to b a huge beatdown Or repeatative as well.. I want a little bit of fun as well (being a mill deck) which is what it was in all games.. And my mate played with a few different decks as well to play test..
Anyone got any suggestions? I could do with any help or ideas to make this better if It needs it.. Even tell me what u think....
Only reason I put that in is because of the of the Zombie goliath's and other creatures with big power no ability.. Exile a few of those and sutured ghoul is huge..
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=211467 Naya EDH.. Any suggestions?