I just checked it out and I really liked that parallel lives, gives me the idea of changing to a token base deck. this deck was just made with cards I've gotten in the past month and a half. I probably bought like five singles thats about it. I just wish I had gotten into magic earlier so that I would have older cards as well. Thanks for the advice though I really want Nissa Revane though I might looking into getting her.
Ya I haven't actually made my EDH deck yet but my friend introduced me to it and I really enjoyed it. I wanted Gaddock Teeg to be my general. Most of the big creatures from this deck are going to go into it.
Exactly that's why I love this deck. Especially if you get quicksilver amulet then all big heavy hitters are so cheap to cast and with all the mana I have its not problem even if I don't get it lol
I'ts only a casual deck I use to play with some friends. I wanted a deck where I would see different cards each time, instead of having 4 of each and seeing it over and over. I like surprises :D
Thanks I'll look into those.
Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to try it out. I'm aware of how unbalanced it is but these are the cards I have gotten in the boosters that I've opened. I don't have a wide variety of cards or multiples of many cards either. I do plan on getting more cards this week and hopefully be able to get more of each.
Seeing this deck makes me wanna change my only deck I have into a wolf deck. Don't know if its worth it though.
Any suggestions for the 15 cards to take out would help a lot.