just taking a peak at other lists, I don't really see 1 drops at all. I'm happy with this list but I don't think control decks are going to do that good in general, the aggro decks are really strong, maybe when the sister set drops in January hopefully Azorious and Rakdos will have some good spells
I agree, but besides Dead Weight I don't really know what to run
I currently have a reanimator deck in modern where I do run smaller creatures and control for early game. Without giving you a whole decklist it runs lotleth trolls, fuana shaman, path to exile, murderous cut, inquisition and thoughtseize. The targets in that version of the deck in my opinion are more game changing than the ones in this list, consisting of Iona, Stormtide, Blazing Archon, Avacyn and a few others. When building this deck I wanted to change focus from consistency to explosiveness, as while certainly more consistent, the other deck still could produce bad games where I wasn't getting the right stuff in my graveyard or I couldn't find my reanimation spells or by the time I reanimated something it was to little to late. The points you have made I strongly agree with, but I have updated the decklist a bit and I think it is a little stronger. I've sacrificed control and a little consistency to try and make this deck really explosive. While not the best way to test it I've been using the draw sample hand portion of this site, and opponents control excluded, this deck at ts fastest can drop and attack with Eldrazi turn three, turn four or five pretty consistently. It definitely has some weaknesses but I think the sideboard can help with those. Although sideboarding out cards really does not help with the overall plan of this deck.The entire deck plus sideboard only runs about $105 on MTGO so I'll probably give it a whirl on there and see how it performs. Thanks again for the feedback.