TheWeeklyBrew: Evolving Angler

by TheNightbringer on 02 August 2016

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

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Deck Description

So I'm looking to delve into the depths of modern to find some of the forgotten or unexploited synergies. So once a week ill be releasing a fresh brew that lies outside of the realm of current modern decks. These wont be decks you'll see on top 8 but something more raw. For the inaugural edition I want to take a look at an interesting card that's drummed up a bit of hype but has yet to be seen anywhere, Eldritch Evolution.

How to Play

So when I started this brew I looked a lot at my first attempt with allosaurus rider and what went wrong. Notably I saw myself getting three for oned or it being a tad too slow.

To this end I dumped white and went to a BUG shell adding quickens, and git probes.
Also I moved away from the disaster that was allosaurus rider to a gurmag delve build.

I still however think that the tool box side is okay in this deck and that the techs are largely relevant.

The threat chart also stayed similar.

turn 1: thoughtseize/inquisition for removal or hierarch
turn 2: if hierarch go for greed if HD then HD again if possible if not play hierarch or removal
turn 3: live the dream and get that 9 drop

Against Jund/Junk get Sigarda
Against Burn/Fish/Dredge/Nahiri/Infect get Iona
Against Affinity/Tron get Akroma
Against Toolbox/Affinity get Inkwell Leviathan

So let me know what you guys think and what I might be missing here.

Deck Tags

  • Modern
  • Combo
  • Competitive
  • TheWeeklyBrew

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 4,636 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for TheWeeklyBrew: Evolving Angler

Gurmag Angler, and by extension, all Delve creatures, is a far better target for Eldritch Evolution than Allosaurus Rider. Nice catch

Posted 02 August 2016 at 21:52


I'm thinking of running a tasigur over thrag too just haven't decided yet it is a decent alternative that can be cheated out

Posted 02 August 2016 at 23:56


That might be worth testing.

Posted 03 August 2016 at 06:35


Noble Hierarch, Eldritch Evolution, Allosaurus rider + 2 random green cards = turn two frost titan. And its a B to remove.
The consistency tho. But a turn two Frost titan is a guaranteed win almost every time... idk how to get around it yet.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 08:20


Frost titan also guarantees you wont be three-for-oned.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 08:23


also... trying to figure out what you mean by HD.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 08:26


hand destruction is hd
and you still can get three for oned if they exile the rider evolution is unfortunately a sorcery

Posted 05 August 2016 at 10:43


Have you thought about fathless looting to be able to fuel delve from turn one?

possible conddate for removel would be fulminator, as he is a bit of a one shot, sb him for mana gredy decks?

I dont know,

This deck exites me in manny ways

Posted 02 August 2016 at 22:12


While Faithless Looting is a good card, I personally prefer Thought Scour in Delve decks (just mill yourself), and this deck has the blue mana to play it.

Posted 02 August 2016 at 22:21


I think thought scour is good but that would push me to double up on my more important finishers so it doesn't drive an auto loss

Posted 02 August 2016 at 23:34


Some have started to replace thought scour with shriekhorn. You get to scour three times for a colorless mana, making it easier to play the mana towards other tricks.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 15:23


while that is not a bad idea, Thought Scour at least draws you a card. So it's a tossup between drawing a card for a once off mill yourself for 2 at instant speed; and an artifact that mills a total of 6, but with no card draw. ie: whichever you personally prefer.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 20:32


Drawing the extra card and milling 2 gives you a 3 out of x chances to get unburial rites, while shriekhorn gives you a 6 out of x chance. Also a turn 1 scour adds 2 cards to the grave. It does slow down gurmags though by not going to the grave.

Posted 10 August 2016 at 12:04


So what do you think of the new version updated for thought scour ?

Posted 03 August 2016 at 00:14


Looks good to go for testing.

Posted 03 August 2016 at 06:35


I like Shambling over Angler because it's an 8 drop then Evolution can hit 10 drop creatures.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 04:05


TrackingDevice has deleted this comment.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 04:38


I think that the extra card to delve is really relevant and a progenitus isn't really that great with jund and zoo being the top 2 decks I like elesh and sigarda better

Posted 04 August 2016 at 17:38


ya, the one extra mana doesn't seem that great to me either

Posted 04 August 2016 at 20:33


With thought scours and so many fat creatures, it might be worth running 1-2 unburial rights, especially with 10 fetches.

And gifts ungiven! Gifts is a good fallback. Powerful on it's own, and can be added to your shell rather easily without sacrificing too much. Does make it seem like snapcaster would be a good choice for a strong bug build.

And for a 1 or mana fixing for unburial, murmuring bodk is a good end of turn fetch.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 13:07


I like the unburial rites idea not sure about gifts I might try it though and I like the idea of bosk over garden

Posted 04 August 2016 at 17:39


Because of the nature of delve, I think running a temple instead of a third pool, or perhaps over your second watery grave ,alongside the bosk will give you both a second non-creature white source as well as an option to fetch it in untapped for a turn 4 rites if needed. It's a splash, but you do have to be wary of milling it if it's your only source.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 23:10


Any thoughts on involving summoner's trap?

Posted 04 August 2016 at 15:23


Definitely not mainboard, I don't think it's necessary, nor does it work with the rest of the deck (imo). But maybe a couple in sideboard against control?

Posted 04 August 2016 at 15:48


I was also building a eldritch delve deck with some success. I dropped my mana curve though running tasigurs and mandrills with 7-8 cmc wincons using, elesh norn, gaea's revenge, stormtide and iona in whatever combination. Hornet queen as side board. I don't think I like griselbrand here, reasoning being I don't think he does much for the deck. I mean I know he is a beast of a card, but the pay 7 draw 7 maybe only seems relevant for decks like goryo that goes off for a combo, paying that 7 life to draw 7 I don't think does too much for you.I think you need something that has more immediate effect on board with immediate actions like stormtide that can prevent your opponents guys from attacking or gae's where you can immediately go for a haste/hexproof attack. While akroma also has this ability her protection really is only good against terminate I guess, but still open to path to exile, while gaea's protects itself from all common removal. Plus if you hit your threats like iona or whoever you don't have a way to shuffle them back into your library so they are dead cards in hand. Should probably run some cards like "see beyond" to help cycle your threats back into your library to keep evolution active.

Would also probably try and run 1 mayyyybbbeeeee 2 white sources, for unburial rites to be active in graveyard and to allow to hard cast sigarda since that could be a good possibility to be hardcasted.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 12:58


What's your thoughts on Gaea's Revenge? I know it's not the best one can do, but it is an 8/5 haster that can't be touched by most, if not all, of the commonly used removal in Modern. Abrupt Decay can't touch it because of its cmc, and Path to Exile, etc. can't target it because they ate not green spells.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 13:20


I mentioned gaea's revenge. It's my preference here to akroma for sure.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 13:27


Sorry, I only skimmed through the wall of text.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 13:40


Sorry another thing to bring up with this deck is the difficulty it has refilling it's graveyard after a delve. Thought scour of course helps along with fetches, but those are utilized early game, and if the spell gets countered, pathed, dismembered or whatever, how do you refill the graveyard without trying to make the game really grindy and a hand full of delve cards, I would recommend grisly salvage possibly here to search for lands/creatures and refill the graveyard, while maybe running a snapcaster or 2 to hit an eldritch evolution from the graveyard if it wasn't cast and hit with thoughtscour or grisly if you decide to run it.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 13:55


Eldritch Evolution exiles itself

Posted 05 August 2016 at 14:00


only when cast, not when it goes into the graveyard from the library.

Posted 05 August 2016 at 14:04


I think this deck is a lot similar to bloom titan in that it is either going to win or lose by turn 4 so it think snappys are too slow and I do have a murmuring bosk for a white source

Posted 05 August 2016 at 17:55


Which could be the case for this deck but I'm not completely sold on that it loses quite like bloom did. But the white source you have isn't fetchable and it's only 1 while sigarda requires 2 white to hardcast. Snappy may be to slow but he can contribute quite a bit to a grindy matchup. But he may be the wrong choice. But definitely need something to help with the grave. when you go to delve everything away and the creature gets pathed countered terminated etc etc. Need a way to make the deck viable again. If the deck truly does lose by turn 4-5 you need interaction to survive. Nothing worse than a hand full of delves with no graveyard.

Posted 06 August 2016 at 04:06


Damonlk has deleted this comment.

Posted 06 August 2016 at 04:06


I didn't read the other comments but have you considered Elder Deep-Fiend? Now you can't evolution into it and get the tap 4 targets but it's still a good finisher to have in my opinion. You can still use the emerge for two blue if you dont have an evolution in hand. (Assuming you sac a hooting or angler). Also having a 1 of Alchemist Refuge could be spicy for you. Be good late game to flash in a hooting or angler or even an evolution. Also I say Tasigur could be better than angler. I saw someone mention it. It cost 1 less and have a good ability. Sure you won't be able to get Iona but then you could remove her instead and replace her with and fatty or as I said an Elder. Most likely go for 3/4 hootings and 2/3 Tasigurs.

Golgari Charm would be good for you to in the side. All choices can be relevant. You also might want to run a couple damnation or languish for mass removal.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 13:30


I run both charm and langish in my vengevie build and they are both great with gangler. I agree with Tasagur as a replacment for gangles, you dont really need the extra point of power most of the time.

Posted 11 August 2016 at 07:03


I need the cmc though

Posted 11 August 2016 at 18:57


I feel 2-3 Tasigur and 4 Angler should be enough to get regularly enough to combo off.

Posted 11 August 2016 at 19:04


What's the relevance of Murmuring Bosk? Was that forgotten from a previous deck list, or does it have a purpose?

Posted 21 August 2016 at 18:46


It adds one of 3 colours?

Posted 21 August 2016 at 19:47


isnt hit by sowing salt?

Posted 21 August 2016 at 20:54


But the white is irrelevant without other white sources. There's only one Bosk, and the only white creature with two white symbols (three is a little too many imo to consider viable with only 5 total white sources) is a 1x of. Also, without the ability of coming in untapped due to no treefolk, it could slow up your plan enough that you'd stall for a turn and give them time to find an answer. It's sacrificing time for that one chance you might draw it and get to cast one of your beaters that you might draw into while you might still have a noble hierarch on the field. To me it seems too risky for that less-possible dream circumstance.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 20:59


aye, id run a pain land over it.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 21:00


"isnt hit by sowing salt?"

It and any other nonbasic is hit by sowing salt. Asking that is the same as asking if Noble Hierarch dies to Doom Blade. Besides, as a one of in the deck, hitting it with Sowing Salt is not a very smart move from the opponent.

BTW, I see the White mana being useful for the two Unburial Rites' Flashback, and the Bosk can be fetched because it's a forest.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 22:08


its a one of, sowing salting it kills it, but doesnt get anything more in the deck. is what i menat. sorry if that wasnt obvous.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 23:35


dedwards hit it on the head its a land that gives colors I can fetch for rites

Posted 22 August 2016 at 05:50


I did not notice that Bosk was a forest. Having the ability to be thrown into play by fetches is much more favorable, and it completely makes sense now

Posted 22 August 2016 at 12:06


What would you guys think of running the cataclysmic gearhulk from kaladesh as a one of?

Posted 08 September 2016 at 20:12


My jaw dropped when I saw it (figuratively, of course); and it'll definitely be a good addition, especially since you get to choose two creatures to keep, the Gearhulk as your Artifact choice, and another creature for your creature choice.

Posted 08 September 2016 at 22:15


That's what I was thinking its kinda nuts against zoo and jund isn't it

Posted 08 September 2016 at 23:51


It's nuts against any type of deck. It hoses all nonland permanents, only leaving one of each.

Posted 09 September 2016 at 04:21


And you don't care cause you only have one or two creatures anyway.

Posted 09 September 2016 at 04:22


*Sigh* It's a shame it's not modern.

Posted 04 February 2017 at 08:14


The only reason it's not Modern legal is because Gitaxian Probe got banned recently. It wasn't banned when this deck was originally posted. Just swap the Probe out with Serum Visions and you should be OK.

Posted 04 February 2017 at 08:28


Yeah, I'm really pissed about it, because it wasn't really an OP card, It was just "good." But I guess it was played a little too often, so it's probably for the better.

Posted 04 February 2017 at 08:34
