I felt like the deck needed some card draw and that seemed like the best thematic option but yea serum visions is probably just betterand I do like bramble wood paragon will have to try it I did try bioshift it was surprisingly clunky.
So after significant testing and updating we fell into a pure esper shell dropping red for sanitys sake. this also allowed us to drop harder into snapcaster synergies as we play a combo variant of esper control. What do you guys think of the changes let me know and check my other brews if you are interested in a more diverse modern experience.
And you don't care cause you only have one or two creatures anyway.
So after a bit of testing this deck performed suppriningly well despite its weak matchups against eldrazi aggro
True true I'll take a look at it tomorrow
True I haven't tested this deck much I've been playing with my puresteel brew but I'll take a look at pure esper here
That's what I was thinking its kinda nuts against zoo and jund isn't it
What would you guys think of running the cataclysmic gearhulk from kaladesh as a one of?
The problem is that path and bolt are just amazing combo/control cards that are hard to leave out even if that's the only reason you are in colors I could see dropping the bolts and red for say a few remands and spell pierces though.
Yes but you can't pull it out game one with wish maybe one of each
What about affinity fracturing gust or stonys or both I can't decide here
yea but it hurts the consistency and repeatability of imaginary pet
yea but with 8 green one drops I might try it
I just had a thought is Talara's Battalion better than imaginary pet?
yea I'm thinking about making the switch back to resto especially since discplacer doesn't have tribe synergy anyways. And verdict is rude with selfless spirit but yea I ran with three at first and drawing more than one usually felt bad s I cut down to two with one in the side for those matchups where drawing more than one felt ok.
nah don't I didn't think it was that busted at first either.
Not quick enough I draw to many cards.
The thing with the deck is drawing the ascendency is so important because it breaks the game imaginary pet and vexing devil become busted mana dorks get even better and burning tree into myr superion is batshit but my personal favorite is the 4 glittering wishes. I feel the wishes are always so underutilized and to find a deck that it fits in perfectly makes me unbelievably happy.
I like sanctifier I would like it a lot more with restoration angel in the main
I feel like you have to accept that you are going to have to stabilize against burn especially maining 4 finks and I think omens or roots is better cause it never really feels like a dead draw especially in the case of omens and why not sakura tribe elder over viridian emissary isn't it strictly better?
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