I dont like how this is so popular right now on SCG, hopefully no one has the balls to play it.
sorry it was sam black my bad
hey man, yeah i think i will add some chromatic lanterns no doubt. I will make this a 65 card deck. ari lax said it was cool ha ha http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/fundamentals/25011-Nuggets-Of-Wisdom.html
No blue = garbage ha ha jk add some cremate's it is beast
He is right, Your mana has serious issues. There are two many 4 of's Control is not meant to have 4 of's, thats why it makes it so elite and varied against a lot of other decks. work on tghis deck here are some ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392884
A lot of the cards just do not belong in this list. Have you ever actually played with this deck? How well did it fair? Spend some more money and get some better cards. Here is my Grixis Control Deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392884 It fairs really well against Bant Control, Bant, Zombies, and the mirror match.
Check mine out it could help you win some games http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392884
It stacks up pretty well against other control decks just fine. Usually winning by mill to them but its still a win. 9 creatures is more than enough. I used to use 5 before and usually when one comes out its over for the opponent. This deck placed 6th last Friday losing two rounds one to infect and another to delver wizards. I think adding more GQs and more removal will complete the task, but then again its not easy to compete against such fast decks.