Have fun building an EDH!!!!! TRY MULTIPLES THEN!!!!
Rhys the Redeemed is a great army builder, immaculate magistrate increases +1/+1 token gain, you should consider both.
Wheres the magma sliver? not that it's necessary, but it makes games more fun if you've got a 30/30 and you make it a 300/300
You do get an extra turn, the difference is the phrasing "When You Cast Emrakul", not "When Emrakul Comes into Play" Torpor orb only cancels abilities of creatures coming into play or entering the battlefield.
First of all, limit the deck to 60 cards, 65 max, also a little consistency helps, instead of running 1 copy of a card, try 2's or 3's, thirdly Memoricide is a good sideboard card, but I'm not sure about running it main deck, also, cards like ostracize are limited and narrow compared to duress, fifth, you have to choose control as in extraction based, or counter based, or maybe a bit mixed, running a mix of one copies of several different control themes makes a deck harder to run, next 44 lands is kind of pushing excessive, try 18-23 for a 60-65 card deck. I'll have to get back to you if i find any other issues.
I just feel like this tribal is missing a centerpiece, time to go find one.
I tried out some of your suggestions, I kept two warchiefs just for some cost efficiency.
Man, this deck is too good the only deck I can make is the worst ever, the only redeeming quality is it's standard, check it out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=197296
This deck is amazing, I really don't know what you're saying, i can see so many win conditions, especially with the camels.
Interesting deck, though i'm really concerned at the abundance of flavor text, i'm way to used to seeing cards with so much ability text that they have no flavor text, good deck.
LIEGE OF THE TANGLE!!!!!!! , they'll never see it coming, turn one: forest, turn two: mountain, BLAH, BLAH, TURN 27, LIEGE OF THE TANGLE, 2 turns later, 27 8/8's attacking ftw
When I ran the prices through at my local hobby shop this deck cost a heart - stopping $214.15
Finally it's done, I want to thank everyone for there support in helping me with my first EDH along with my first front pager.
my first front page deck, thank you all for this
Gaze of Adamaro, would be a killer in this deck
I feel like you're attempting too much in one deck, this deck isnt focused enough on mana ramping, so, you really won't get much out of your omnath, check out my omnath deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=190672 It should give you ideas for the cards you need for an omnath deck.
ghostly prison, windborn muse, winter orb, frozen aether, there are so many good cards you're missing
So, one last question guys, do you mind if i add certain cards myself, I feel like it would help speed up this deck's completion.
thanks for the suggestions, I love the deck too, something about fast mana and giant stompers mixed together seems perfect
Counter-Balance*, sorry, I couldn't help myself, anyway, great deck, I cant make tempo decks, just not my style, I prefer fast aggro, elves and vamps all the way, currently trying EDH out, check out my create an EDH Deck based around hazezon tamar, And leave your suggestions.
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