I'd agree with this, here. You have a Vampire sub-tribal, and if you really want your Blood Baron to go off, I like Vampire Nighthawks over Alms Beasts. Flying Deathtouch Lifelink usually gets in and does work.
Biorhythm is banned in EDH.
Alright; a couple other suggestions: For Block Constructed in Boros, have you thought about Skyknight Legionnaire, as well as finding a way to bring in 3 or 4 each Ethereal Armors and Madcap Skills? I'd still like to see the deck get faster, and if you can find a way such as that to make your low CMC creatures impactful to late game, I recommend doing so, rather than pulling the curve up to 6 CMC.
The deck seems really heavy on the mana curve for a Boros deck that seems to want to run the Aggro side of things. I'd try to find room for Boros Reckoners, and cap your curve with Hellriders or the Avengers you have there.As is, I see you as being too slow to race Selesnya or other Boros aggro, whereas if you start looking at midrange competition, you'll be eaten alive by better available creatures. I'd try to speed up and go hard that way; look into Innistrad block as well, if this is indeed a Standard deck and not an RTR Block Constructed one.
If you're running Red/White, you should not be running Sword of War and Peace. It's like holding out a gift that says "Here, Metamorph yourself an answer to my deck. This one's on me."
Thatcher Revolt needs to find a slot somewhere, and I would dial Rally the Peasants back from a 4-of. 2 should do fine for you. I'm always wary of pump spells, primarily because they require the bodies to actually be there, and you're not running a situation where you have around 30 creatures and just pumps. You'll run into situations where your hand is burn and Rally, and you have no bodies on the board to use it, in which case it's a dead card. I can't really say I like your mana distribution too terribly much, either. You only have 11 white sources in your deck, and you want to land Hero on T4 with double white. I'd at least drop one Slayers' Stronghold for another Plains. You'll still have two in the deck, and you want to constantly be dropping things early, so you won't really be in a place to want to pump until at least T5, by which you should have a rally to do that job if you don't have a Stronghold.
Got to love how everyone's making one of these... might as well add my own to the list of links flying around in the comments. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=331275 You said you're not sure about Stormblood Berserker. I'd say cut him from the deck outright. He has terrible anti-synergy with your premiere 1-drop in Champion of the Parish, and having tested my build quite extensively, I can say with clear conscience that Berserker just does not work. You sacrifice either damage output on turn 2 from Champion, who is really your surprising hulk, especially with Thatcher Revolt printed, or you sacrifice Bloodthirst just to get a body for a pump. 100% not worth the slot. The rest of the deck looks fine. Personally, and this is pulling from my build a bit, I prefer Mirran Crusader's 40% color protection as the edge over the Paladin, and there are some fun tricks to be had with Blade Splicer, if you can find a spot.
Don't sideboard land. If you're going to run Rootbound Crags in order to have Grudge flashback, change your land spread to: 17x Mountain 4x Rootbound Crag Also, it seems as though your current build is trying to be a cross between Burn RDW and Kuldotha Red. I'm not sure how to reconcile the pair.
That's understandable, though at the moment, I'd have to say that Sword of War and Peace ruins more of the meta than Mirran Crusader ever has.
No problem. And yeah, Mirran Crusader is a serious beast, but I'm not sure that he ruins the metagame, especially now that he's basically dropped from the limelight. A big thing I see with him is that he is an utter pain to get rid of, and because he's dropped out of the spotlight, it's moreso than he would be if he was in favor. A big part of that, as well, is that Red Deck Wins has basically been hated out of the format because it only really holds its own against mid-range or more control-oriented decks, whereas the overarching meta has an abundance of answers to Red's usual shenanigans. Unfortunately, you kind of need the burn to get rid of Mirran Crusader, unless you can counter him or exile him from White. It's one reason I built a Boros spread for him to thrive in.
I like it. I'm wondering, though, where Mirran Crusader is in this build? You're mainboarding Sword of War and Peace, and you're in G/W. I don't know about you, but I really like the idea of having someone swinging for 8 with protection from 80% of the color pie, and then them getting shocked for every card in their hand.
I'd argue that Wolfir Silverheart could fit over Silverblade Paladin. Effective 12 power for 5, across 2 dudes.
If you just want something that buffs someone else with Double Strike for a single turn, then just carry Assault Strobe from Scars of Mirrodin. You're in Red, and it saves you 2 mana to cast something else. Also, a thought that just hit me is that, looking aside from your creature spread for a bit, you have no real forms of removal or crowd control, which, along with the fact that your creatures are both smaller than a fair number of decks, makes it really hard to get across for damage. You have access to Fiend Hunters, Oblivion Rings, and all the burn in Red that you could want. I'd take a look here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=331275 and see if there's anything in there that you'd like for yours. Feel free to ask questions if you have any there, as well, because I could explain a bit of the synergies.
I wouldn't say I'm underestimating Soulbond in this case. The reason I say that it wishes that it was Mirran Crusader is primarily due to the fact that any time you utilize a Double Striking creature, or in this case, a creature who not only gets Double Strike himself but passes it on to a friend in the bond is that they become instantaneous removal bait. On his own, Mirran Crusader is a 5 turn clock with protection from 40% of the color pie in the game, whereas you're going to find that the Silverblade Paladin comes out, gives something that actually can attack that turn Double Strike (if it doesn't die in your declaring attackers step), then keels over and dies to every kill and burn in the format before he can do anything himself. I've given quite a bit of thought to how Silverblade Paladin interacts with the meta at large, primarily concerning whether or not he'll be an adequate replacement for Mirran Crusader once Scars block rotates out of Standard. My answer, every time, is a resounding "No." Feel free to run the Paladin, as it's only a suggestion, but I think you're slighting yourself by going with an inferior card for that slot.
Those three wouldn't really be worth it, in my opinion, Calo. This deck really wants Clifftop Retreat for mana fixing, and I would look into something to really come through as a finisher for you. Silverblade Paladin wishes it was Mirran Crusader, and Thraben Doomsayer seems too iffy for what he does, granted that he's only a 2/2 body and he has no protections from anything to keep him alive to generate tokens. If you want a 3-drop human that gives you a nice body when he enters the battlefield, go with Blade Splicer. It seems like you're building this toward using Champion of the Parish as your primary win condition, but one thing I'm seeing is a problem I ran into when building Boros (and I actually put up a similar, yet stylistically different, deck to this not long ago) is that you want to find a way to avoid the T2 Arc Trail setting you back hard. Gather the Townsfolk is amazing for this, since it puts 2 bodies on the board on your turn 2, and buffs your Champion to a 3/3. That way, even if they Arc Trail away your tokens, you still have a 3/3 bomb in waiting in your Champion, and you're already packing Thatcher Revolt as a tool to make him a 6/6 by turn 3, which is huge. Riders of Gavony is nice as a pseudo-finisher, but I'd actually break the Human Tribal theme slightly and go with another "rider" in that slot. You have enough body-producing cards, and you're really just flat-out aggro enough, for Hellrider to really shine in the kill slot. Thatcher Revolt just screams "pair me with Hellrider," and your cheap creature list would benefit wildly from having something there that takes that kind of advantage of him.
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