Replace Chittering rats with either Ravenous Rats or Stronghold Rats or Nezumi Cutthroat (destroys your opponent's hand). Also lose Relentless Rats for possibly Crypt Rats - they make awesome creature control and direct damage earlier on. You might want something along the lines of Grim Harvest as a back up to get those rats to keep coming back though.
What about losing Uktabi drake for Jaya Ballard bearing in mind the whole madness theme?
For a bit of fun take out Radha and add in either some Stampeding Wildebeests so that you can bounce cards like Uktabi Drake and Timbermare back to your hand to play again, taking advantage of the Forcemage and Pandemoneum to the full ;). Could do with a 4th forcemage though. I run a similar deck but with Wild Pairs instead and it does work VERY well. Good deck.
Lmao, love the idea...but I can't see a great deal of point in the Fallen Ideal. Flyers aren't an issue with Pariah out, and you only have 4 creatures as it is. LOVE the guilty conscience/Stuffy Doll mechanic though, think that's hilarious ;). Perhaps something to draw cards with to speed the deck up a bit...Infernal Tutor to source out more cards faster or Distress to disrupt their hand too?
Just out of curiosity, why haven't you got Invoke the Firemind? Quite expensive to use properly, but with Niv-Mizzet out you get both advantages in the same go, draw cards and hurt them lots.
Lose the Inner-Flame Acolyte for Incandescent Soulstoke. Also, as a possibility, you could take out Changeling Berserker for Blaze. Soulbright Flamekin + Blaze = huge amounts of pain. Also Inner-Flame Igniter in this deck would be ace. Soulbright + Igniter = 3 creatures with trample and all of them with +3/+0 and first strike with just 2 Smokebraiders and 3 mountains out in play. Very much worth it IMO.
Not a bad idea. The only issue as I see it is that rebels are quite mana intensive, you're running 20 land, my concern would be the deck not moving very fast, nor doing a great deal of damage. Possibly replace lumithread Field for Glorious Anthem, grab more Blade of the Sixth Prides, Knight of the Holy Nimbus' and OUtrider En-Kor's. Dunerider Outlaw is a pretty nifty one if you can couple them with Rathi Trappers to stop them being able to block. Cool idea though.
What about splasing in a touch of blue - AKA Broodstar over Somber Hoverguard and Thoughtcast in somewhere to "speed up" the deck and draw more cards?
One creature...even with 4 dark rituals and 4 diabolic tutors you're having to rely almost purely on Phage to win your game. Try grabbing some Pyroclasms or Damnations to clear the board of creatures that WILL slip through the net. Also make the deck more consistent - 4 Rain of Tears, 4 Befouls, 4 Wrecking Balls, 4 Molten Rains and 4 Crack the Earths will be all the land destroy you should ever really need. Stoneshaker Shamans and Zo-zu are also good buys in this kind of deck. Toodles