Originally I wanted to put rahilda wanted cut throat but like I literally can not find her for sale anywhere, I’m being led to believe she’s an arena only card but I really am not sure as for runebound you are correct it does take a while to pump into it >~> maybe I should look at flashAnd as to how they got a chaosphere~ well maybe they found it in the city of the overlord (the wolf) tucked away under some rubble as for land destruction I could probably put in the Gruul kessig* werewolf that when it attacks I get mana~ it also buffs everything soControl is hard to counter especially the colorless ugin decks that are coming out in arena now and thus it’s hard to counter a counter deck packsong piper would be a good card as well but it’s a mana ability so >~> I mean you’d have to attack if you lost your lands I don’t run against much land destruction and although it’s a good card immerwolf pretty much cancels that too cause her flip don’t have the same effectI’ve seen werewolf decks and have tried to build them in the past they always sacrifice something, like if I were to run a deck around rahilda~ one: can’t find her irlOr if I did attempt to counter all those other decks, what happens when they counter all my creatures and lands then I can’t do anything, I put anti enchantment/ artifact in the sideboard in case of overwhelming splendor being in the opponents deckNow that’s not to say I haven’t thought of it, I just can’t find good enough replacements, and plus most of these cards aren’t on arenas so running it irl is easier as people only have a limited card library to choose from, not to say they don’t have good decks, I ran against a colorless infinite combo a few weeks agai, but I’m saying they don’t have THAT many counters against it unless they are black or blue and even then it’s still debatable irl as I have yet to play someone with that kind of clear irl
I mean with how expensive every card is their more then neccessary
Keep in mind the werewolves are trying to be more strategic, take a turn to not play ANY spells once you have a few werewolves out, and then only play one card a turn, any werewolves enter the field already flipped (unless it’s a non-nightbound creature which you have too many of) and use curse of shaken faith to “deter” any second card casts from your opponent to prevent flipping on your side
I recommend sizing it down and adding Tovolar! He’s merely a 3 cost werewolf that hits the field and so long as you control 3 wolves or werewolves it flips to night on every one of your upkeeps AND!!! He also! Flips every werewolf card for free that isn’t flipped by the night bound effect, and if you want I can show you a concept for a werewolf deck I’m building, (ran it in arena and changed like 5 cards so it can be ran irl and it works amazingly well while only being 60 cards) plus mana cost is way too high! Consider if your keeping it the way it is, adding a full set of duskwatch recruiters or even hardened berserkers! Anara is also stupid to run in a normal deck it’s effect only works on commanders so you would never be able to use it tangleclaw is a good defense werewolf but WAY too high cost when you can run a watcher of the web for cheaper, buff it up and have it block 8 creatures including flying >~>
I just don’t have access to the email that one is signed up to anymore it’s no big deal
It is a modern and it is not possible to play it on arena due to certain cards not actually being on arena, I got the inspiration from the new Dragonic Rage Commander deck, like stated it’s probably going to have Klauth in it
thank you for your feedback and help i really love building decks and i hope that this one turns out i use these decks in a group that i play so
i decided to go for mana ramp and 1-3 cost creatures for a more fast paced deck and im realizing i just might make it mono green
got any good mana ramp cards to recommend? that might help make the deck quicker
i was hoping for token ramp, with lifegain and prog summon
im asking for help and this is what i have for the idea of the deck buddy, i understand its confused thats why i posted my comment above
thank you for your input, i have been searching for cards to get him out really quickly all i need now is really fast and powerful cards i can slap to distract them for a bit
This is meant to be an fast aggro deck meant to summon progenitus out fast and overwhelm the opponent or at least thats what i hope this deck will consistently become, i need help though as i dont know all the cards and would like some insight or helpful tips
Oh ok fair enough
Aren’t commander decks supposed to have legendary creatures for their commander?
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