dontcha feel dumb for talking ish to me for playing jund last year...this is the boogeyman of standard...its fun to play the top deck and beat face isn't it?
most control decks i've played with and against normally use between 24 and 26 lands...adding white for board sweeps with wrath of god and spot removal with swords to plowshares is fun too
i'm talking about a certain team from a certain town...
super nice call on the invigorate...hey go ahead and get 3 life...oh ya, you're dead
how do you get emrakul out? hope they let you play it when you cast brilliant ultimatum turn 7? is 3 creeping tar pits enough of a back up plan?
my jund deck is revamped and ready to fluff...good luck
OMG! I know what this deck needs! Garruk!
what's the win condition? 3 trinket mages and 2 grindclocks? good luck
wow...22 lands in a deck with 8 five drops and 10 6 drops...better hope to get out those blooms and live to unsuspend 'em
with mana elves, genesis wave is incredible!
my only problem is what if you run into kor firewalkers and leyline of sanctity...ouch
plus i dont really understand the sideboard choices at all
no early game blockers to protect cant just have 8 six drop threats and hope to kill and counter everything need some cheap creatures to hold down the fort till the threats come out...although the big guys are great
i understand you run countermagic, but what ifone of your persecutors dies, or your two creeping tar pits? not enough win condition in my book. frost titan, grave titan, wurmcoil are some good game enders.
what are the darksteel axe and basilisk collar for?
with the memory jar in, this looks like a vintage deck...i've lost several times to it...i'm curious to see how it would play against another vintage deck...might be worth a crack
there are two common guys in eldrazi that bring tokens into play, nest invader and kozilek's predator, plus you need khalni garden
so you have two main deck journey to nowhere, then four in the sideboard...(me) "hey, how do you have five of my guys exiled?"...(you) "oops"...
one desecrated earth?...if you want land destruction...tectonic edge is better for getting rid of valakut
just a less bit blast and terminate, add two grave titan or siege gang commander...lose the oran reif...they come into play tapped so you lose pace, the +1/+1 counter is nice but you have a lot of come into play tapped lands...for sideboard help check out my jund list...i took 3rd place at M11 game day and really should have finished higher
21-40 of 46 items