I like Hidetsugu's Second Rite. 10 burn is pretty hard to pass up. I think I'll do: - 4 Flame Rift + 4 Hidetsugu's Second Rite In my eyes the 3 weakest cards were Flame Rift, Needle Drop, and Magma Jet. The draw from Needle Drop keeps it in the deck, and now that I kinda have almost the combo mentality with Hidetsugu's Second Rite, the scry ability of Magma Jet kept it in the deck. Thanks again for the great suggestions.
Wow I obviously haven't checked this deck in a long time... Totally agree on fetchlands, so I'll do that now. I'll also begin reading all these posts more closely for card suggestions. Thanks everyone.
I agree with durick. Birds of Paradise is pretty much necessary in this deck. Also 4 of each legendary is going to lead to so many bad hands... just so unfortunate that doran is legendary. - 1 Doran the Siege Tower - 2 Sapling of Colfenor + 3 Birds of Paradise Also I don't really like the Indomitable Ancients. I like Bosk Banneret much more for this deck. - 2 Indomitable Ancients + 2 Bosk Banneret Try to configure it so you get up to 4 Bosk Banneret and 4 Birds of Paradise. Also try Murmuring Bosk. That card just screams Doran.
Love merfolk. Spreading seas is interesting... I'll have to consider that for my own Merfolk deck. I play a lot of aggro decks around me, so this would be too slow in my area. I seriously recommend getting Force of Wills gradually, they're such life savers. Here's my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=110904 The differences: Umezawa's Jitte, Mutavault, Stifle, Force of Will, and Cursecatcher. Like I said, I face a lot of aggro so Jitte is awesome for that. Mutavault gets boosts from all your lords so you might want to consider it. Stifle is just a good card that I threw in to get from 58 to 60... slows down decks with a lot of fetchlands. Force of Will is the best blue card out there. And Cursecatcher is a nice 1 CMC card that gets you some extra negation occasionally. In my testing, I found that Sovereign was the least useful Merfolk of the 5 you have + cursecatcher. Maybe it works better for you. Hope I helped.
I don't want to draw a progenitus, so adding a second makes me more likely to have a dead card in hand. My second option for natural order if I draw Progenitus is Elvish Piper. I've seen other decks use a slew of other options but I'd rather keep with the Progenitus route while simultaneously maintaining the elvish theme. Also if I draw piper and progenitus that combo is easier to swallow.
Edit: - 4 Incinerate + 4 Needle Drop I really like needle drop for being 1 mana, and providing me with a draw when I don't have any other options. Also the 1 burn is decent... I think that 1 burn (maybe) plus a draw for 1 mana is far superior to the 3 damage for 2 mana from incinerate...
Personally I think you want 4 matrons. Also a goblin sharpshooter would be nice. Not sure what to replace, though. Also chain lightning is another good burner worthy of consideration.
Yea I was just about to get on here to fix this thing up. Doing: - 2 Jitte + Daze + Standstill Jitte is good against Goblins but I think it's best coming in from the side... changing that up too.
Yea I think I will run it. I've thought about it more and I think I'll replace either Incinerate or Flame Javelin. Those are the cards with the worst burn / mana ratio. Which of those do you think is worse?
Definitely agree on flame rift and rift bolt. I'll be adding those to the deck. Price of progress was already in the deck, but I agree it should be there. Grim lavamancer is cool, and I may try out him and mogg fanatic to get a little creature action in here. Kinda wanted to keep it creatureless but lavamancer may be too much to resist. Thanks for the card ideas.
I kinda like fireball/blaze/banefire as a final kill shot. I need to consider whether they are fast enough, this deck wants to win within the first 4 - 5 turns. That way those cards would only do max 4 damage (assuming I've gotten a land drop every turn). I'll have to test those out. Similarly, searing flesh and lava ax don't have a good enough mana/burn ratio. 1 mana per point of burn damage won't cut it in this deck. This deck won't last long enough to get 7 lands out for searing flesh, and lava ax doesn't really compare to banefire. Thanks though, I appreciate the suggestions and may test banefire in a few spots.
His only black/green cards are 3x Progenitus (= 6 black, 6 green) and 1x sphinx of the steel wing (1 black). Advice: - Echoing Truth - Pyroblast Not sure why those are in there or what to replace them with, though.