i second this! and make sure you utilize the card draw when you have enough mana =]
im actually working on a torpor orb deck too, but i really like the idea of splashing black for haunted horror and some more removal. i do like the deck though, five stars, two thumbs, whatever =]. you might think about two trick binds, just incase they respond to your eater with a crush or the m13 smelt.
this looks like a ton of fun to play... good deck
And that's why its not listed under tournament quality. Magic is not about winning for everyone, sometimes its nice to relax and have a fun game. Don't get me wrong, if we are drafting my friends and I are cut throat bastards, but that all the time isn't fun. And I play for the fun.
Ahh, you see, I disagree, mine is a fun/casual deck. My friends already have to deal with infect and they bitch and moan as they get obliterated by turn 3 or 4. They stand a chance against this deck so its more fun.
very true, but it was made long before birthing pod, and sure there is cool tricks. but the limit of cool tricks is what makes it bad
seriously, its shit
Scornful Egotist
i liked blue white humans for the draft i did. lots of life gain and blink, i only lost to a black red deck, quite different from yours though
this is my dream deck
it looks brutal, and vexing devil looks as if it will be a staple to every burn deck from now on
storm crow ftw
thanks, i like the name as well
I am quite the sucker for door to nothingness decks...
theres no such thing as a fast all blue mill deck
big fan of the toss =]
I would add this to kick the shit out of everything http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewCard_Popup.aspx?CardName=Basilisk%20Collar&Edition=WWK&Print=1
Fireball, or what ever the devil one is. Koth's -2 works well with fireballs
I want to say throw thrummingbird in there, but its not really needed, maybe for the sideboard?
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