just shut the fuck up. get off my profile if you dont like the way i make decks.
the last part was not meant for you. thanks for the advice tho. i will keep it in mind
if you dont have anything good to say f****** keep it to your damn self. derpington no particular reason for so many singles. and obviously if you dont like the way i build decks then shut and get off my profile dumbass
shut the hell up you little fag. you just think your better because you put people down you.
i find it hard to beleive that just taking a look at a deck has no effect on where it belongs. it is how you play it and your hand. so shut and keep you rude comments to your self when you dont know how good this deck can battle
this deck is awsome. it will take you down any day.
yeah it got mixed in with my red and i didnt even notice it. thanks