It's mainly because he thinks he's hot shit and cannot answer any questions when confronted. His gate keeping persona also irks me. He believes everyone on this site is either a troll or a loyal follower and nowhere in between. The fact he still believes this and that he's the savior of this site is something I can't stand and until he either answers my questions, which I've told him I would leave once he does so, or stops I'm not leaving him alone.
I'm sorry what? Bro I don't have other accounts. Why do you think that? I legitimately don't post any fucking decks....
Hey Dark. Answer my question little faggot man, because the longer you do then the more I'm posting this comment for all to see.You dodge my questions you insolate fuckWhy did you pick door #3. You ashamed because you realized if the truth got out you'd be a laughing stock? A Fraud? Come on man, if you got nothing to hide tell me who you are and why I should respect a so called pro player.Do you know why I attack you ?Because people like you make me sick. You tote your "wisdom" your "knowledge" and your "holier than tho" attitude around like you're a god. You give new players obsolete, incorrect, and just plain useless knowledge. You fail to keep up with any sort of meta game which is bad for new players because they'll slot bad cards into their decks thinking *YOU* know what you're talking about. You give magic a bad rep because you gate keep those that just want to have a good time. Who want to post decks FOR THEIR FRIENDS to see and nothing more. You probably hit on every girl who ever went to magic and got rejected, you probably never shower, and when you do play people talk about you behind your back and talk about the shitty player who showed up and raged quit.If you delete this message, then you're not only proving to everyone I'm right, but also admitting you're an absolute fraud, clown, jackass, and dip shit I knew you were.You can end all of this, just prove who you are and why I should care. But you can't because to do so reveals you're a nobody of a "pro player" who know one has ever heard of AND/OR just a nobody at whose so deep into their web of lies that if you reveal that yourself everyone will no longer take you seriously, your "crusade" will crumble, and you'll be forgotten.Your choice.0Posted just
Hey Dark. Answer my question little faggot man. You dodge my questions you insolate fuckWhy did you pick door #3. You ashamed because you realized if the truth got out you'd be a laughing stock? A Fraud? Come on man, if you got nothing to hide tell me who you are and why I should respect a so called pro player.Do you know why I attack you ? Because people like you make me sick. You tote your "wisdom" your "knowledge" and your "holier than tho" attitude around like you're a god. You give new players obsolete, incorrect, and just plain useless knowledge. You fail to keep up with any sort of meta game which is bad for new players because they'll slot bad cards into their decks thinking *YOU* know what you're talking about. You give magic a bad rep because you gate keep those that just want to have a good time. Who want to post decks FOR THEIR FRIENDS to see and nothing more. You probably hit on every girl who ever went to magic and got rejected, you probably never shower, and when you do play people talk about you behind your back and talk about the shitty player who showed up and raged quit. If you delete this message, then you're not only proving to everyone I'm right, but also admitting you're an absolute fraud, clown, jackass, and dip shit I knew you were.You can end all of this, just prove who you are and why I should care. But you can't because to do so reveals you're a nobody of a "pro player" who know one has ever heard of AND/OR just a nobody at whose so deep into their web of lies that if you reveal that yourself everyone will no longer take you seriously, your "crusade" will crumble, and you'll be forgotten. Your choice.
Mainly because, and I've stated, I don't really do deck help tbh. I got tired of this prick head and decided to follow him around and get actually answers out of him, and it seems he's too much of a coward to do anything. And even if I was in the market to help, I don't do any EDH colors other than R/RG/W/RW and stay away from all forms of combo and graveyard style decks. Not my area of expertise.
And Wicked, what was your point about "Everyone loves me"? comment? I told you, no one cares about you and your list.
Nota, I've been trying to tell you. He keeps deleting my comments on doing so.
Aww look at you going preforming your gate keeping again. How cute. How about you let people posts on this site without telling them they have to follow your dumb rule book
Hey Wicked, piss off.
I told you I trust people. Which people? Well if you had bothered to read a previous comment on here, but seeing as you are blind to anything that goes against your narrative, I'll just post it here "I don't offer deck advice because I'm not that kind of guy. I like to get my advice from my close friends and LGS. I don't ask random internet strangers because I don't know them. I don't want to know them. I never want to know them."Gee it's almost like I do trust people, but only the ones I want to know. But golly, you said " Your lack of trust in people made you the troll in this case, you could have avoided all of these rage episodes by actually paying attention to me" You clearly didn't realize I don't use this site for advice, but just for deck storage for my friends to look at when I send them my deck list. But if you had put 2+2 together you'd have realized this and made your point mute, so we can't have because it chews up all 3 brain cells you have. I pay attention to you because I think you're a shitty person with a closed mind and tiny dick. I hate people like you with a passion, and I pay attention because you can never answer any question with statements or facts. It's always vague terminology, wordy sentences, and go nowhere fortune cookie nonsense.
Again, I post multiple times so I can force you to respond to all of them. If everything I put down is in one comment, well you'll go about deleting it and rewording it however you want. But with multiple comments I know exactly what questions you dodge, what questions you reworded to sound intelligent, and which ones call you out for your bullcrap.
1. How about you start answering my question on your rat deck you fat fuck. 2. I don't give a shit about boosting you to the top, I want you to keep talking to me because I think you're an absolute shitty deck builder and scrub every event you go to you arrogant fuck. 3. Bro, do you even hear youself. " so all that black washing, telling me how I can't possibly be better than other pros, and that I don't have pro friends or connections, all of that wordplay to tell others that I'm not those things won't work, because people who deal with me discover that they can trust me." ^^ I say that because you don't. You've given me no proof. You're "best" evidence was saying "He mentioned me by some guy" does not count. If he was your friend, if you did give all this sage advice, if you did invent a deck, then he'd have given you credit. You need to give me direct proof. Which has been something you've been dodging ever since we've been engaged on this site. I keep calling you out, you keep removing comments, you keep writing long paragraphs of nonsense. 4. I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING RAT DECK AND THE ART ASPECT YOU FUCK. I WANT YOU TO ACTUALLY TELL ME HOW YOU'RE GOING ABOUT REFINING IT. YOU KEEP DODGING THAT FUCKING QUESTION. YET EVERY TIME I GIVE YOU INFORMATION ABOUT POPULAR REMOVAL, YOU KEEP REMOVING THAT COMMENT AND SAYING "OH WELL YOU NEED TO GIVE ME ADVICE' OKAY YOU FUCK. HOW WILL YOU DEAL WITH THOSE POPULAR REMOVAL SPELLS IF YOU'RE SUCH AN AMAZING DECK BUILDER. 5. You think I'm raging? bro I put caps lock on every time because I want you to focus directly on that particular message and make you respond. I can tell if you've dodge my questions by what you've replied to. So if I put it into caps and I only see responses to my non-cap lock messages I know you have nothing and are just a fraud. I use foul language to draw attention to certain areas of my paragraphs, the human brain works wonders there.
I mean ya, I'll definitely try that. But I'll keep commenting on everything he posts on tbh. Make him have to work for everything he's trying to gate keep
I'm a troll? Bro I'm calling you out for these idiotic posts you claim are phenomenal works of art and direction. The reason I posted 5 comments because all my other ones get removed so I wanted to make sure this subhuman cuck could see them. But it seems when calling out specific comments he will refuse to acknowledge them and move elsewhere. He's a not a pro player, he doesn't have pro player friends, he's scrubbed out on evey tournament he's been in, and doesn't actually know how to build a deck.
I don't offer deck advice because I'm not that kind of guy. I like to get my advice from my close friends and LGS. I don't ask random internet strangers because I don't know them. I don't want to know them. I never want to know them.
"You spit on my offer, twist my words, delete the parts where I'm obviously the smarter one and call me a liar and pour toxic behaviour out on my decks." Show me this you cunt. Show me how I twist your words. I asked for proof. Physical, clickable proof. All you provided me with was dodgy '07 Newgrounds level asswipe of someone mentioned your name because *YOU* annoyed the living shit out of them. *NOT* because you were any semblance of a good player.You then mention how you "conveniently" don't have any records of any tournament you were in, how you were "supposedly" mention in an article WHICH BY THE WAY YOU SAID "HE SAID SOME GUY" WHICH ISN"T ANY SEMBLANCE OF ANY PROOFI called you out for the horseshit and you went quiet. And as for this "You ignored people who wanted help" check again you vapid cunt, I looked in that fucking link and it was a post of nothing. But if you had actually looked, I went to his page and looked at his recent deck at the time. I link this because I know clicking on it strains your heart you fat fuck. So back the fuck off before you step to me. Now go back and masturbate to whatever loli porn you watch and leave me alone to post in peace. Fuck man, how about you leave this site forever. God you people make me fucking sick. Gatekeeping a fucking site. I bet you have so many piss bottles around because you never this site. Fuck you're a piece of shit.
I never wanted you to be my friend cunt. I never wanted to be on any lists retard. I wanted to posts my lists in absolute peace and quiet and not have some fat fucking, tiny penis, mouthing breathing bastard come to my decks and tell me *I* need to improve, *I* am a troll, *I* can be on list. Bro you can fuck off, you can take your tiny penis with you, and you can leave this website.
Out of control?? Bruhhhhhh Are you retarded? You have to be. You have to have an IQ of 5 to be this fucking retarded.
I also find it funny that you get so angry, well not angry, but I can tell that by me not following your orders and fighting with you, you lose all control. You realize if other people do this you're absolutely fucked. But this websites dying so the two people you do have sucking your dick must be fun, but hey, whatever makes you tiny penis feel big. big guy
Damn. All that effort to type that out. Lol. I think I'm actually dumber now than I started. Fuck man you need to get laid or something. You actually retarded or just a dumb f****** man. You talk of lists, you talk of good lists, yet I think you're just an idiot like an absolute retard and I feel bad that you think this actually works for people I really do. So while you police this website and do what you want I'm going to go and make real friends and live an actual life while your tiny penis can become a inch bigger by putting people on their lists. So you go have fun with that and when you've grown a brain cell good for you I won't be around so this is my last message to you. Hopefully your retarded brain will have some common sense that how you talk and act on this site legitimately doesn't appeal to anyone but hey I can't control what gives you an erection man.
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