First of all thank you greatly for your advice. But I'm wondering if you have any suggestions as to what type of cards could pull it together,as far as, hand disruption, spot removal etc. Mind you I'm kinda new to the cometitive scene.
Really?!, I mean really, this is nuts. LMFAO, helarious. I will never play multi with you so mission accomplished. Would you mind checking out my newest creation I got the idea while watching resident evil.
So yeah I was wondering. Would it be at all possible for, " my favorite deck building smiley face ", to critique my newest creation? The idea came to me while watching Resident Evil with my little brother. So I tried to make a competitive tourney deck that fits the theme of the movie. Here's the link if you got the time
Too bad all of you can't see the ohh face I made when I saw this. People who find these combos should be in charge of the country rather than the last three half- brained witless wonders we've had.
By the by dead cards are call to the grave and disciple. But I don't know what I should sb instead. As for the call's I'm thinking -2call. +2 mentor maybe -1 magnet +1 infestation
Yeah assassins are really fun if you can keep them alive for more than 2 turns they're too big a threat to the battlefield to be left alone. That's why I have 3x unburial rights this deck pretty much mills itsself in a round about way all the while putting 2/2's out.
I see your point. Recycling tumble magnets seems kind broken in its own way. The main goal of the deck is to use mentor along with infestation to pump out a boatload of tokens early game while drawing into day and grimoire for the win with to pull a bomb out of the yard if need be.
Hi ethan so here I am asking the best builders I can think of for suggestions as to what I can do to my deck I'm running currently. Here is the link Ps: I like the deck
Here I sit broken bleeding and half dead at the mere sight of this nastiness. I love it. I was wondering if some of my superiors would help me out with a new deck I'm playing. I'll post it here. Any help would be appreciated.
This right here is the only edh weak to extraction.
Let us count the ways to get superion out. 4x heartless, 3x palladium, 3x unburial rites 10 ways. Had t be said. Solid deck keep up the good work. +1 like
Ok so I like this as is. Your question was bop vs. Emissary. I say emissary birds doesn't last long against anything with spot removal in my experience. And even if they don't chump block the emissary they take 2. Now there are ways to make shure he hits the yard with prey upon. Which is also nasty combo'd with obliterator.
Yeah I know that's why I got a truck load of cheapies and burn and steal. Lol so I can atleast try to hold them off until I can unleash the beast
The white leyline that you and stuff you got can't be targeted. And grand abolisher
What's up pimp. I'm diggin the deck. Could you help me out with a build. B/W control is my favorite style. I figure with your extencive xp you could give some pointers. Here's the link.
Oh may be a dumb i dea but I feel like thopter assembly might work in this.
hey SWN, I'm a big fan of your work. I like the deck not your best work but it seems like it would be decent. I was wondering since your the best builder of B/W I've seen if you could help me out with somthing I'm trying here is the link
I was thinking the same thing only with myrs and titans. Duals for a splash-o-blue.
Oh and maybe a bpod or culling dais due to the fact that your emissary only trigger when put int the yard thus getting a land and your renegade leader in one shot
Personally I would drop leige and birds for adaptive automaton
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