Thank you :D
Cool idea i really like it. I'd suggest Echoing Truths for this deck. Bounces a NL Perm (and all others with the same name) and is instant speed. So it's a 2cmc get rid of all those goblins spell. Mercy Killing is also a spell working wonderfully in this build. It gets rid of sth like an opponents Tarmogoyf and makes them lose a lot of life. If you can afford it you could restructure the landbase to be Esper. That way you could play Blood Seeker to have an 8-of of the Suture Priest effect. I'll try to assemble a deck similar to this with my ideas worked in so you have an idea of my vision. But big props for coming up with such a cool deck idea :D
Blanchwood Armor ,Unstoppable Ash and Reach of the Branches could be interesting additions. Dauntless Dourbark is also an extremly huge blowout! Timber Protector is a really cool lord for treefolks.