Nice! I like it. Muscle burst seems valuable. How many games have you played? Does it do well?
Thanks! I appreciate the help. I see your point about the 6 drop. It's only playable if the game is already going my way. Otherwise it holds the deck back.
Could you expound on why EB sucks in this deck? Ajani's Pridemate is powerful. I included the bridge because this deck won't be faster than the opponent's deck.
This looks fun. What about a Beastmaster Ascension? Or a Genesis Wave?
Would a Timbermare be good in this deck?
How do you like to play this deck? It looks like fun.
I run ground seal mostly because of Enduring Renewal. Rest in Peace would exile creatures that I could put in my hand. Replacing Sunlance is a good idea. Thanks!
As I understand it Syncopate is cast for an announced CMC, which is then effected by cost modifiers like Goblin Electromancer. This means that you can cast it for a blue, and the cost of overcoming it will be equivalent to the spells CMC minus one. If you have two goblin electromancers and the CMC is three, you can cast it for a blue. Is this correct?
Fascinating. How well does this deck respond to control decks? Can you reliably kill your own creatures to generate counters? Does the deck have a point of stagnation (does it just stop sometimes)?
I usually go 2-1, I win when I flip the chalice or when I get a flying Lich.
My greatest fear with this deck is not getting what I need when I need it. The Altar's Reap is in the deck to thin it out. I'm considering taking it out, but I have not lost yet...
So far in multiplayer games when I've won, I've won all in one turn. Using poison to reduce the damage needed to knock out opponents while redrawing my hand multiple times is a good combination. :)