I'm glad you like it so much. It was definitely coming together well while I was planning it. I just hope it plays that well against other strong decks.
I'm very into Standard, but I started playing at the Gatecrash release. Since that time, I've become immensely better than I was in the beginning, but Legacy is definitely a problematic game-type to crack for me, because I just have no knowledge of it. So, depending on how much potential it has, that's a huge maybe. Legacy is a bit intimidating to me to be honest.
I mean to say that it was an attempt at a Legacy deck.
Firstly, I took your suggestion of Hold the Gates because I completely forgot about the card. Second, the creatures all have Protection of some sort, other than Saruli Gatekeepers, which are there for what I assume would need no explanation, as 7 health every time I play one is absurdly good. The deck has a lot of stall, instead of burn, and no creatures are below 2 power. There are a few nifty mechanics to exploit, the first, being Maze's End, which, if the stall is pulled off correctly, will be successful in ending the game by itself, or at the very least, ramping my mana significantly, and being that it's a land-based win-con, I can continue to run it without worrying about it being stopped, unless there's a brand new deck strategy other than Liliana of the Veil's ultimate that's geared toward land destruction.The second mechanic is Lavinia's detain, which will effectively allow me to swing with a host of creatures that are most likely still alive. Blind Obedience allows for slower opponents, and Extort, which adds up once I have a lot of mana and low cost spells to cast. That swing alone may be the win.The third is Blood Baron and Exalted from the Knight cards. Blood Baron may in fact be capable of finishing the game, with Extort and Saruli Gatekeepers pumping life, and the damage from the little guys.Then we have our big guys, and there are only one copy of each, because I don't want to draw them in an opening hand, but they'd be lovely to draw at any other time because they would ensure a victory: Teysa and Akroma's Memorial. Effectively, Teysa gives the PLAYER Deathtouch, and creates tokens. She also has Protection from Creatures and Vigilance innately. Akroma's is just the end of the game. If I play it, everything is over and I've won. In terms of what must look like I'm only playing with what I have, the land base is very specifically designed, as I took only one of the Gates that utilize Red mana, four Maze's End because I want to be able to start that strategy and give the opponent something to worry about while everything else is occurring. All of the Guilds that I actually represent in this deck received an immediate two land slot, and then once I saw the amount that remained, I put in the one Forest, because of the low-drop Green creatures that I may need that specific mana untapped for, and then the two Plains, because White is the most prominent color in the deck and it's the color of all of my low-drop Enchantments. I also want solid colored mana to pay for Maze's End early, because then I can bring out the single copies of each Gate that I have in the deck to fix my curve. I assure you that the deck is well thought out, and among other things, it costs $65, meaning I'm simply playing around with how many Protection cards we have available in Standard right now, while excluding Red, because I didn't want to go five-color. I hope this cleared up my rationale. Play test is on TappedOut if you'd like. It's honestly a lot of fun. Check out my other decks as well.
I appreciate the feedback. I agree, squirrels may be a much more affective strategy.
Spike Gesters would be amazing in this. As would Dreg Manglers.
Lmao, trying to keep it Standard. I wish.
I actually really like this, and the fact that it's so inexpensive. The only thing I would do is remove the two Guildgates for two more Islands, but that's just a preference. Awesome job.
I've gone ahead and taken your suggestion, and it works out beautifully. Thank you for the comment.