Personally I would take out the Angel's Feathers and add in another two Knight Exemplars. Apart from that I think this deck could work really well.
Fair enough, I could see myself doing the same thing. And as Voron said: Portal Three Kingdoms set is really nice if you like history.
Looks pretty good, though I'd probably see if I could add in Sensei Golden-Tail somewhere.
Can't live without some Mirror Galleries.
Thanks for the ideas :)
Looks decent to me, as long as you get out the a Mystic on turn two I think this deck will work quite well.
Oh yeah, forgot about Heartbeat of Spring. Just swapped out Venser's Journal for those, the Joiner Adept would work well with basic lands if I changed that. Thanks for the ideas. :)
Looks ok to me, though I would take out all the cards that have colours other than black and white as chances are you won't be able to use them. In addition I would try and cut out some other cards and add a few more lands. Cards like Dream Salvage are nice but since you have no discard cards in the deck it's pretty much useless.
I was thinking I should make it mono white, but that seemed a little boring and some of the green/white knights actually seem to be better than many of the white knights to me. I will admit that it is slightly oversized, and with some more play testing I'm trying to cut it down a bit. Though the consistency is quite good at the moment, as I always seem to have something to help me get the lands I need when I need them. As for Dispatch: Thanks for the tip, that would be a nice improvement over Reciprocate though the metalcraft might be problematic. I could try adding some Sword of Vengeance and Door of Destinies to get the metalcraft running, but that would still require some luck to get enough of them at the same time.
The reason I put the Juniper Order Rangers in is that they just keep getting bigger, and when you have more than one out the creatures you play will get a bonus +1/+1 to +4/+4 for free. Then if you combine them with the Hero of Bladehold, the soldier tokens they give you count towards the rangers as well, making them huge. Both of these reasons make it a valid card to use in this set up in my opinion, and so far I've never not been able to play it when I had it in my hand.