Wierd... swear I put them in there... Ok, should be fixed now.
Nice little aggro deck. Looks vulnerable to a decent control deck. I wouldn't worry about Rancor, that'd be a 3rd color for 4 cards. Just my $.02 :P
This is the build when I took it out of the box yesterday and blew the dust off it. It could easily be re-tooled with some more current goodies : Vampiric Link, Circle of Affliction, and Dash Hopes. Just a few off the top of my head. FYI, I appreciate the critique. Sounds like I'd enjoy flopping cards with you sometime.
Yeah, it's very casual. Although a 10 damage Wistful Thinking is efficiently brutal in any format. You might like my Hypnotic Hymn deck instead. It's more competative. http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=10742
Because Urza's Factory didn't come out until Time Spiral. This build is Pre-Mirrodin. This is what it looked like the other day when I finally blew the dust off it and posted it here. Most recent addition to it were the Temples of the False God (Scourge). It's a nostalgia thing....
Note: The deck editor MAKES you pick a color for your new deck.... even if it's colorless. So, yes... I know the deck isn't Blue. :P
Mirror matches are interesting... My brother has an almost identical deck that we go head to head with. It boils down to who can out counter/bounce the other guy and keep ahead. Maybe a sideboard with mirror-match ammo would be a good idea. Ideas?
Wrath clears a board of all threats... and with most creatures being 1-2 mana, i bounce back into the fray before they do. If you opponent gets too far ahead.... Armageddon, then lay a land and a 1-drop. It's a science. But if I were going for swarm... then yeah... Militia's pride would be nice.
Nice. :) I'm going to have to "dig up" my Zombie deck and post it.
Thanks. I'll probably post the rest of my deck ideas. Just checked out the site today, but have been collecting and playing since... 4th Edition and Chronicles.
What?!?!? No Icy Manipulators? Pfft. :P