So i see the dire fleet poisoner as an option against the Vine Mare that's very nice, and any flash cards are very worthwhile to you i would say. Naru Meha, Dreamcaller Siren are flash blockers you could play to trade with it if you so chose, and maybe set you up for a neat removal spell double. I think that you might try playing around with Fungal Infection?And your mana base... it's good, i just don't like how you have none of the nice toys like Arch of Orazca or Scavenger Grounds. Could Reliquary Tower be a thing here? doubt it, but maybe.Main change for me is to put in Chart a Course for Divination. I just don't think you'll ever need to keep the card, and being able to do your draw and keep up two cost removal on four would be excellent, and on three maybe really excellent to have that mana up for the Shock.Cheers
i like that saga a LOT.