By means of comparison, I find you deck rather slower than mine and somewhat more mana intensive. I'm running mostly blue with some black (mostly sideboard) splashed in. Little bit different concept but nice to see that Mill isn't dead after Tome Scour and other lulsy cards rotated.
I'm staying away from Grindclock because I feel as if I should be focusing on tap/untap/infinate-type combos with it if I were to include it. This is a more aggro take on mill because I'm finding a lot of aggro going down right now and I want to keep it fairly well rounded. I did Include one Sword in place of a Blade though!
Yes I have those friends with 4 playsets of baneslayers and I shake my head sadly. I've swapped out based on your suggestion and added minor creature control. Merci for the suggestions =).
Ya there are 100 cards I would love to put in here but they are rotating in a month =(. I like the idea of unholy strength and I feel I have to disagree with leyline. Even if I end up drawing it, casting it for 4, and it protects me against 1 spell, it's worth it. I already have 4 journey's, I don't feel this deck needs more creature control. I have it set up with brave the elements for the first round of a standard match, to scope the opponent out. I can then sideboard in creature control if necessary (purge, deathmark). Just my thought. If you can present an argument to the contrary though, I'm open to opinions :o
I want to add Storm Herd but this deck plays too fast. At 10 mana, even with a Serra's Sanctum up and 4 enchantments on the field, I still need 6 plains. And frankly I could be drawing cheap W(1) creatures that are beefed with the space in the deck I'd need for Storm Herd in that time. Ronom I was thinking of originally but it doesn't fit with the flying. HOWEVER! It will go into my sidedeck as it's an excellent demystifier =).
This is futureproofed for october so those suggestions won't do it for me. Also, this is a lightning theme deck. I'll conceed to the Arid Mesa option. Plated geopede doesn't do it for me either :P.
Doran is a nice cheap general, and as long as you can combo Chorus later in the game it sounds like a nice choice for your larger creatures. Of course, you NEED Keeper of Progenitus and Mirari's Wake for mana ramp with those colors for EHD :D
Pretty much, though fling is nice on anything with haste. Namely the Arc Runners who die out in end phase anyways. *bam* 5 damage -> Fling: *bam* 5 damage again. Terramorphics to quick trigger the shrine land-counters added. I think this is viable.
This would also make a great EDH concept :D
This deck is so cute! I was going to do something similar myself but got lost in how many tree combos there could be! *clap*
It's not really creature-light... Elemental Appeal, Zektar Shrine Expedition I'm counting in my creature count.
I'm thinking of running this suicide dual-color artifact deck in standard. Throw some comments at me (I'm keeping it future proofed for october) Appreciated :D
I actually made a deck like this recently but it's standard (futureproofed for Oct). consider some terramorphics and other sac lands to cut down on your total deck size (for one card, you eliminate two from your draw pile, leaving you more room for key cards). I'd also perhaps cut down platinum to 3 and repay in kind to 3 and add in a couple more control cards or weenie creatures to ensure you are able to survive until that turn 8 or 9 when you will rip them apart. =)