oh good call, i was looking for a replacement for cackler
good idea, forgot that one
Dude, add glavanic alchemist to soulbound with axebane guardian. then you'll have infinite mana if you have enough walls
etched champion
add lotleth troll, desecration demon, and rakdos cackler. take out corpsejack menace, bond beatle and slumbering dragon. also, you need more removal or your attacks won't get through so probably take out hunger of the howlpack and deviant glee for abrupt decay and tragic slip.
Well, I have vraska and charms in the sideboard for that. Not too many high cmc artifacts in standard anymore though
I know but i suspect that it will be reprinted. if it isn't reprinted i'll replace it with something like arbor elf
I see what you mean with eye, but i like craterhoof. that card outright wins games if you have a few creatures.
this might be a little closer
i don't know about the numbers, i just copied what i saw and made up the rest. its the goblin grenades that give it the real speed. he was 4-0 with it
good call, unfortunately, the deck challenge only allows the one non-creature spell other than defense of the heart, else i'd have green suns in here as well
i'd add one of kessig wolf run as an alternate win condition
oh yeah, thats better than terrifying presence, thanks
that would be great, but it's not standard at the moment
Thopter assembly combos with time sieve for infinite turns
It might be worth it to add white for ajani caller of the pride and gideon jura. ajani puts counter on the dragon directly and gideon makes your opponent attack him
oops, didn't see that. thanks
I considered putting in bolas but it seemed a bit like overkill. once i'm at 8 mana i don't usually need bolas to win. might put him in sideboard once build that, in case i need the extra push
I'd suggest throwing angel's grace in the side board or even main board. get it on an isochron scepter and you can't loose
I'd get rid of dark favor and crippling blight and replace them with tragic slip and tribute to hunger
21-40 of 281 items