Also tbh. This was a quick brew. It's probably just better to go B/R.
Honestly I forgot about Sarkhan fireblood. Definitely a staple.
Heyyyyy I actually watched this video today! I love your content. You fuckin kill me sometimes my guy! Keep it up!
I do like adding Rishkar. I forgot I could hit him off Coco.
I thought about fatal push since this isn't really hyper aggressive. Just wasn't quite sure.
Where will you be posting the to decks?, Locus of RageWhen I was about 2 years younger I didn't have a job so I built a $20 Omnath deck and all I did was play lands and cards that played more lands. I recently rebuilt it on here for my friend who is new to Magic. Deck is only $50 and very very easy to play. When I played it in chaos I was usually the first target because I'd go off faster than most others. I've seen variants of the deck online but I like it simple an clean. Play lands, flood tokens, and turn sideways. Of course there are always ways to make the deck better, but like I said. Nice and clean...Edit: It was $50 last week. Not sure what went up in it. Still cool though.
I have some Dragon suggestions. Balefire Dragon, Kilnmouth Dragon, Scourge of the throne, Stormbreath Dragon, or Thundermaw Hellkite. I mostly recommend the Balefire out of all of them. He can wipe there board and it hits hard.
Not sure if you're going budget on this. But There are some Dragons that honestly you don't need in here man. Like Broodmate, Chromium, Sunscorch regent, Or jugan.
This deck is a neat idea. I just feel it will be better when more dinosaurs are in the game. As of now they're not quite strong enough.
If you want be more of an ass just add mystic snake and soul bond it with deadeye navigator so you can bounce the snake and counter things.
Good job with the deck. Few concerns the best unused card in standard right now is crackling doom i meam it kills hexproof such as fleecemane lion,dragonlord ojutai, and silumgar. And you can redirect the damage and 2 for 1 planeswalkers while loyalty counters are low. I'd take out a mardu charm for crackling doom it just has more value here.
Yes it was. I guess I sounded like a d*ck sorry bout that.
I love how this deck has already been made. And I'm pretty sure it's on mtgtop8?